Lawrence Kahn

133 Statler Dr
258 Ives Hall Faculty Wing
Ithaca, NY 14950
United States
Lawrence M. Kahn is the Braunstein Family Professor and Professor of Economics. He is an elected Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists. He is a Research Fellow of the Center for Economic Studies/Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich, Germany, of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn, Germany, and of the National Centre for Econometric Research in Australia (Sportometrics Program). He was Chair of the Labor Economics Department at Cornell during 1998-99 and 2000-2005, is Editor of the Industrial & Labor Relations Review, is on the editorial board of the Journal of Sports Economics, served as Associate Editor of the Industrial & Labor Relations Review and Specialized Co-Editor (for Sports Economics) of Economic Inquiry and was on the Board of Editors of Industrial Relations. Before joining the Cornell faculty in 1994, he was a Professor of Economics and Labor and Industrial Relations at the University of Illinois. He has served as Visiting Fellow in the Economics Department of Princeton University, Visiting Scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation in New York, Visiting Scholar at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, Visiting Scholar at the Office of Labour Market Policy Evaluation in Uppsala, Sweden, and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University. He has also served as a member of the National Academy Sciences Committee on Women's Employment and Related Social Issues.
Teaching Statement
Professor Kahn teaches at the undergraduate level ILRLR 4030/Econ 3460: The Economics of Collective Bargaining in Sports and at the graduate level Econ 7430/ILRLE 7460: Seminar in Labor Economics.
Research Statement
Professor Kahn's research interests include international differences in labor market institutions and labor market outcomes such as wage inequality, unemployment, and the gender pay gap. In addition, he has had a long term interest in sports labor markets and is currently also conducting research on immigration and the labor market.
He has published articles in the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, International Economic Review, the Economic Journal, Economica, the Review of Economics and Statistics, and the Journal of Labor Economics. His book At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Perspective (with Francine D. Blau), published by the Russell Sage Foundation, won the Richard A. Lester Prize, awarded by the Princeton University Industrial Relations Section for the Outstanding Book in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations published in 2002. His biography is listed in Who's Who in Economics.
Book Chapters
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2025). The Sources of the Gender Pay Gap: An Economics Perspective. In Social Stratification. Routledge.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2025). US Female Labor Force Participation: Falling Behind Other Countries. In Social Stratification. Routledge.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2015). Immigration and the Distribution of Incomes. In Handbook of the Economics of International Migration. (pp. 793-843). Elsevier.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2012). The Economics of Discrimination: Evidence from Basketball. In Oxford Handbook on Sports Economics . (pp. 21-38). Oxford University Press.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2009). Inequality and Earnings Distribution. In Oxford Handbook on Economic Inequality . (pp. 177-203). Oxford University Press.
- Lawrence Kahn, & J Keith Murnighan. (2008). Payoff Uncertainty in Finitely-Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games. In Handbook of Experimental Economics Results. (pp. 598-606). North-Holland.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2008). Women's Work and Wages. In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. (pp. 762-772). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2007). Gender and Assimilation among Mexican Americans. In Mexican Immigration. (pp. 57-106). University of Chicago Press.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2006). The Gender Pay Gap: Going, Going, ... But Not Gone. In The Declining Significance of Gender?. (pp. 37-66). Russell Sage Foundation.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2004). Collective Bargaining, Relative Wages and Employment: International Microeconomic Evidence. In Changing Role of Unions: New Forms of Representation. (pp. 169-228). M.E. Sharpe.
- Francine Blau, Giuseppe Bertola, & Lawrence Kahn. (2001). Comparative Analysis of Labor-Market Outcomes: Lessons for the United States from International Long-Run Evidence. In The Roaring Nineties. Russell Sage: Century Foundation Press.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2000). A Level Playing Field? Sports and Discrimination. In The Economics of Sports. (pp. 115-130). W.E. Upjohn Institute.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2000). Gender and Youth Employment Outcomes: The US and West Germany, 1984-91. In Youth Unemployment and Employment in Advanced Countries. University of Chicago Press.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1999). Institutions and Laws in the Labor Market. In Handbook of Labor Economics. North-Holland.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1996). Why Does the U.S. Have Higher Male Wage Inequality? Prices Versus Characteristics. In Comparisons Internationale De Salaires. INSEE.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1995). The Gender Earnings Gap: Some International Evidence. In Differences and Changes in Wage Structures. University of Chicago Press.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1993). The Changing Composition of the U.S. Labor Force: Implications for Public Policy. In The Change of Employment Environment and Human Resource Management in U.S. and Japanese Labor Markets. (pp. 163-191). Japan Institute of Labour.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1992). Discrimination in Baseball. In Diamonds Are Forever. (pp. 163-188). The Brookings Institution.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1992). Race and Gender Pay Differentials. In Research Frontiers in Industrial Relations and Human Resources. (pp. 381-416). Industrial Relations Research Association.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Peter D Sherer. (1991). Racial Discrimination in the NBA. In The Business of Professional Sports. (pp. 71-94). University of Illinois Press.
Journal Articles
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, Matthew Comey, Amanda Eng, Pamela Meyerhofer, & Alexander Willen. (2020). Culture and Gender Allocation of Tasks: Source Country Characteristics, Housework, and Childcare Division of Labor among US Immigrants. Review of Economics of the Household, 18(4), 907-958. (DOI:
- Lawrence Kahn. (2020). Introduction to a Special Collection on European Labor Markets in Flux: The German Experience. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 73(3), 1040-1045. (DOI:DOI: 10.1177/0019793920937959)
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, Peter Brummund, Jason Cook, & Miriam Larson-Koester. (2020). Is There Still Son Preference in the United States?. Journal of Population Economics, 33(3), 709-750. (DOI:DOI 10.1007/s00148-019-00760-7)
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, Peter Brummund, Jason Cook, & Miriam Larson-Koester. (2020). Declining Son Preference in the US. VOX: CEPR Policy Portal.
- Maria Cook, Shannon M Gleeson, Kati Griffith, & Lawrence Kahn. (2018). Introduction to a Special Issue on the Impact of Immigrant Legalization Initiatives: International Perspectives on Immigration and the World of Work. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 71(4), 807-822.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2018). Permanent Jobs, Employment Protection and Job Content. Industrial Relations, 57(3), 569-638.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2025). Myth and Measurement by David Card and Alan B. Krueger: Introduction to a Retrospective Symposium. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 70(3/May 2017), 813-814.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2017). The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and Sources. Journal of Economic Literature, 55(3), pp. 789-865.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2016). The Structure of the Permanent Job Wage Premium: Evidence from Europe. Industrial Relations, 55(1/January 2016), 149-178.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2015). Wage Compression and the Gender Pay Gap. IZA World of Labor, 150(April 2015), 10.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2015). Skill Shortages, Mismatches and Structural Unemployment: A Symposium. ILR Review, 68(2), 247-250.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2014). "New Evidence on Gender and the Labor Market: A Symposium". ILR Review, 67(2), 283-286.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2014). Introduction to the US Department of Labor Centennial Symposium. ILR Review, 67, 563-568.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2013). Female Labor Supply: Why is the US Falling Behind?. American Economic Review, 103(3), 251-256.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2013). The Feasibility and Importance of Adding Measures of Actual Experience to Cross-Sectional Data Collection. Journal of Labor Economics, 31(2), S17-S58.
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, Albert Liu, & Kerry Papps. (2013). The Transmission of Women’s Fertility, Human Capital and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generations. Journal of Population Economics, 26(2), 405-435.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2012). Labor Market Policy: A Comparative View on the Costs and Benefits of Labor Market Flexibility. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (this was an invited paper for a symposium on policy), 31(1/Winter), 94-110.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2012). Temporary Jobs and Job Search Effort in Europe. Labour Economics, 19(1), 113-128.
- Sue Bridgewater, Lawrence Kahn, & Amanda Goodall. (2011). SUBSTITUTION BETWEEN MANAGERS AND SUBORDINATES: EVIDENCE FROM BRITISH FOOTBALL. Labour Economics (this is the journal name--it is the Journal of the European Association of Labour Economists but is not listed above), 18(3), 275-286.
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, & Kerry Papps. (2011). Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants: 1980-2000. Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(1), 43-58.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2010). Employment Protection Reforms, Employment and the Incidence of Temporary Jobs in Europe: 1996-2001. Labour Economics, 17(1), 1-15 (lead article).
- Lawrence Kahn. (2009). Sports, Antitrust Enforcement and Collective Bargaining. Antitrust Bulletin, 54(4), 857-881.
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, & Kerry Papps. (2008). Source Country Characteristics and the Labour Market Assimilation of Immigrant Women. VOX: CEPR Policy Portal.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2008). The Impact of Wage-Setting Institutions on the Incidence of Public Employment in the OECD: 1960-1998. Industrial Relations, 47(3), 329-354.
- Giuseppe Bertola, Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2007). Labor Market Institutions and Demographic Employment Patterns. Journal of Population Economics, 20(4), 833-867.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2007). Changes in the Labor Supply Behavior of Married Women: 1980-2000. Journal of Labor Economics, 25(3), 393-438.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2007). The Gender Pay Gap. Economists' Voice.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2007). The Impact of Employment Protection Mandates on Demographic Temporary Employment Patterns: International Microeconomic Evidence. The Economic Journal, 117(521), F333-F356.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2007). Sports League Expansion and Consumer Welfare. Journal of Sports Economics, 8(2), 115-138.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2007). The Gender Pay Gap: Have Women Gone as Far as They Can?. Academy of Management Perspectives, 21, 7-23.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2007). Cartel Behavior and Amateurism in College Sports. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(1), 209-226.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2006). The US Gender Pay Gap in the 1990s: Slowing Convergence. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 60(1), 45-66.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2006). Race, Performance, Pay and Retention among National Basketball Association Head Coaches. Journal of Sports Economics, 7(2), 119-149.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Malav Shah. (2005). Race, Compensation and Contract Length in the NBA: 2001-2. Industrial Relations, 44(3), 444-462.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2005). Do Cognitive Test Scores Explain Higher US Wage Inequality?. Review of Economics and Statistics, 87(1), 184-193.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2004). Immigration, Skills and the Labor Market: International Evidence. Journal of Population Economics, 34(3), 501-534.
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, & Jane Waldfogel. (2004). The Impact of Welfare Benefits on Single Motherhood and Headship of Young Women. Journal of Human Resources, 39(2), 382-404.
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, J Moriarty, & A Souza. (2003). The Role of the Family in Immigrants’ Labor-Market Activity: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations: Comment. American Economic Review, 93(1).
- Lawrence Kahn. (2003). Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment in OECD Countries. CESifo DICE Report: Journal for Institutional Comparisons, 1(4), 25-32.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2003). Understanding International Differences in the Gender Pay Gap. Journal of Labor Economics, 21(1), 106-144.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2002). Reply to Berndt Keller and to David Marsden. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 23(4), 1077-1081.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2001). The Gender Pay Gap. NBER Reporter.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2000). Wage Inequality, Collective Bargaining and Relative Employment 1985-94: Evidence from 15 OECD Countries. Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(4).
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2000). Gender Differences in Pay. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(4), 75-99.
- Lawrence Kahn. (2000). The Sports Business as a Labor Market Laboratory. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(3), 75-94.
- Francine Blau, Lawrence Kahn, & Jane Waldfogel. (2000). Understanding Young Women's Marriage Decisions: The Role of Labor and Marriage Market Conditions. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 53(4), 624-647.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1999). Analyzing the Gender Pay Gap. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 625-646.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1999). Institutions and Laws in the Labor Market. Handbook of Labor Economics, 5(3A), 1399-1462.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1998). Collective Bargaining and the Interindustry Wage Structure: International Evidence. Economica, 65(260), 507-534.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1998). Against the Wind: Bargaining Recentralisation and Wage Inequality in Norway 1987-91. The Economic Journal, 108(448), 603-645.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1997). Swimming Upstream: Trends in the Gender Wage Differential in the 1980s. Journal of Labor Economics, 15(1), 1-42.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1996). Wage Structure and Gender Earnings Differentials: An International Comparison. Economica, 63(250), S29-S62.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1996). International Differences in Male Wage Inequality. Journal of Political Economy, 104(4), 791-837.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1994). Rising Wage Inequality and the U.S. Gender Gap. American Economic Review, 84(2), 23-33.
- Lawrence Kahn, & J K Murnighan. (1993). A General Experiment on Demand Games with Outside Options. American Economic Review, 83(5).
- Lawrence Kahn. (1993). Unions and Cooperative Behavior: The Effect of Discounting. Journal of Labor Economics, 11(4), 680-703.
- Lawrence Kahn, & J Keith Murnighan. (1993). Conjecture, Uncertainty and Cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemma Games: Some Experimental Evidence. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 22(3), 91-117.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1993). Managerial Quality, Team Success and Individual Player Performance in Major League Baseball. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 46(3), 531-547.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1993). Free Agency, Long Term Contracts and Compensation in Major League Baseball: Estimates from Panel Data. Review of Economics and Statistics, 75(1), 157-164.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1992). The Gender Earnings Gap: Learning from International Comparisons. American Economic Review, 533-538.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1992). The Effects of Race on Professional Football Players' Compensation. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 45(2), 295-310.
- W Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1991). Efficiency Wages, Monopoly Unions and Efficient Bargaining. The Economic Journal, 101(408).
- Lawrence Kahn. (1991). Customer Discrimination and Affirmative Action. Economic Inquiry, 29(3), 555-571.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1991). Discrimination in Professional Sports: A Survey of the Literature. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 44(3), 395-418.
- Michael Curme, & Lawrence Kahn. (1990). The Impact of the Threat of Bankruptcy on the Structure of Compensation. Journal of Labor Economics, 8(4), 419-447.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Stuart A Low. (1990). The Demand for Labor Market Information. Southern Economic Journal, 56(4), 1044-1058.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Peter D Sherer. (1990). Contingent Pay and Managerial Performance. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 43(3), 107S-120S.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1989). A Model of Joint Wage and Hiring Discrimination. Research in Labor Economics, 157-205.
- Cynthia Gramm, Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1988). Inflation Uncertainty and Strike Activity. Industrial Relations, 27(1), 114-129.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Peter D Sherer. (1988). Racial Differences in Professional Basketball Players' Compensation. Journal of Labor Economics, 6(1), 40-61.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Stuart A Low. (1988). Systematic and Random Search: A Synthesis. Journal of Human Resources, 23(1), 1-20.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Michael Curme. (1987). Unions and Nonunion Wage Dispersion. Review of Economics and Statistics, 69(4), 600-607.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1987). Unemployment Insurance, Job Queues, and Systematic Job Search: An Equilibrium Approach. Southern Economic Journal, 54(2), 397-411.
- Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1987). Contract Length, Indexation and Ex Ante Real Wage Variability. Journal of Labor Research, 8(3), 221-236.
- Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1986). Wage Indexation and Compensating Wage Differentials. Review of Economics and Statistics, 68(3), 484-492.
- Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1985). The Future of Wage Indexation in Collective Bargaining Contracts. Monthly Labor Review, 108(5), 29-32.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1985). On Estimating Discrimination in the Economy: Comment. Southern Economic Journal, 51(4), 221-226.
- Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1984). The Demand for Labor Market Structure: An Economic Approach. Journal of Labor Economics, 2(3), 412-438.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Stuart A Low. (1984). An Empirical Model of Employed Search, Unemployed Search and Nonsearch. Journal of Human Resources, 19(1), 104-117.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1984). The Effect of Collective Bargaining on Production Technique: A Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Labor Research, 5(1), 1-12.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1983). Unionism, Seniority and Turnover. Industrial Relations, 22, 362-373.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1983). Job Search and Unionized Employment. Economic Inquiry, 21, 412-430.
- Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1983). Cost of Living Clauses in Union Contracts: Determinants and Effects. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 36(3), 447-460.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Stuart A Low. (1982). The Relative Effects of Employed and Unemployed Job Search. Review of Economics and Statistics, 64(2), 234-241.
- Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1982). The Determinants of Bargaining Structure in U.S. Manufacturing Industries. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 35(2), 181-195.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Stuart A Low. (1982). The Wage Effects of Job Search. Industrial Relations, 21(1), 53-61.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1981). Race and Sex Differences in Quits by Young Workers. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 34, 563-577.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1981). Causes and Consequences of Layoffs. Economic Inquiry, 20, 270-296.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1981). Reply to Lincoln Fairley. Labor History, 22(2), 313-315.
- Peter Feuille, Wallace E Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1981). Wage and Nonwage Outcomes in Collective Bargaining: Determinants and Tradeoffs. Journal of Labor Research, 2(1), 39-53.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1981). Sex Discrimination in Professional Employment: A Case Study-Comment. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 34(2), 273-275.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1980). Bargaining Power, Search Theory and the Phillips Curve. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 4(3), 233-244.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1980). Unions and Internal Labor Markets: The Case of the San Francisco Longshoremen. Labor History, 21(3), 369-391.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1980). Union Spillover Effects on Unorganized Labor Markets. Journal of Human Resources, 15(1), 87-98.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1980). Wage Growth and Endogenous Experience. Industrial Relations, 19(1), 50-63.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1979). Unionism and Relative Wages: Direct and Indirect Effects. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 32(4), 520-532.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1979). Union Strength and Wage Inflation. Industrial Relations, 18(2), 144-155.
- Lawrence Kahn, & Kimio Morimune. (1979). Unions and Employment Stability: A Sequential Logit Approach. International Economic Review, 20(1), 217-235.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1978). The Returns to Job Search: A Test of Two Models. Review of Economics and Statistics, 60(4), 496-503.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1978). Unions and the Employment Status of Nonunion Workers. Industrial Relations, 17(2), 238-244.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1978). The Effect of Unions on the Earnings of Nonunion Workers. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 31(2), 205-216.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1977). Union Impact: A Reduced Form Approach. Review of Economics and Statistics, 59(4), 503-507.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1976). Internal Labor Markets: San Francisco Longshoremen. Industrial Relations, 15(3), 333-337.
Conference Proceedings
- Francine Blau, Giuseppe Bertola, & Lawrence Kahn. (2003). Collective Bargaining Institutions and Demographic Employment Patterns.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1997). Youth Employment in the US and West Germany, 1984-91.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1996). International Differences in Male Wage Inequality: Institutions Versus Market Forces.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1994). Discussion-Labor Economics.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1986). Discussion-Labor Economics.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1984). Discussion-Labor Economics.
- Wallace Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1984). Wage Indexation in America: Prospects for the 1980's.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1982). Discussion-Job Advancement for Women.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1979). On the Concept of Health Capital: Comments on 'Data Needs Relating to Women's Health' by Charlotte Muller.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (2002). At Home and Abroad: US Labor Market Performance in International Perspective. Russell Sage Foundation.
- Francine Blau, & Lawrence Kahn. (1996). Wage Inequality: International Comparisons of Its Sources. American Enterprise Institute Press.
- Robert Flanagan, Robert Smith, Lawrence Kahn, & Ronald Ehrenberg. (1988). Economics of the Employment Relationship. Scott Foresman.
- Barbara Reskin, & Lawrence Kahn. (1986). Women's Work, Men's Work: Sex Segregation on the Job. National Academy of Sciences.
- W Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1985). Wage Indexation in the United States: Cola or Uncola?. Ballinger.
- Peter Feuille, Wallace E Hendricks, & Lawrence Kahn. (1981). Bargaining Structure and Bargaining Outcomes: Determinants and Tradeoffs. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Evaluation and Research, U.S. Department of Labor.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1975). Unions and Labor Market Segmentation. Manpower Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
Book Reviews
- Lawrence Kahn. (1992). Review of 'Paying for Productivity' edited by Alan S Blinder.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1989). Review of 'Inside the Firm' by Harvey Leibenstein.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1987). Review of 'Unions in Transition' edited by Seymour Martin Lipset.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1986). Review of 'Shifting Gears' by Harry C Katz.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1985). Review of 'The Elements of Industrial Relations' by Jack Barbash.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1985). Review of 'Internal Labor Markets' edited by Paul Osterman.
- Lawrence Kahn. (1977). Review of 'Living with Capitalism' by Theo Nichols and Huw Beynon.
Professional activities
- Culture and Gender Allocation of Tasks: Source Country Characteristics, Housework, and Childcare Divisikno of Labor among US Immigrants. Presented to American Economic Association. Atlanta, Georgia. 2018.
- Is There Still Son Preference in the United States. Presented to University of Toronto. Toronto Canada. 2018.
- Female Labor Supply: Why is the US Falling Behind. Presented to American Economic Association. San Diego. 2012.
- The Transmission of Women’s Fertility, Human Capital, and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generations. Presented to Leonard and Gretchan Broom Center for Demography. University of California Santa Barbara. 2012.
- The Transmission of Women’s Fertility, Human Capital, and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generations. Presented to Yale Law School. New Haven, CT. 2011.
- Temporary Jobs and Job Search Effort in Europe. Presented to Banco de Portugal. Porto, Portugal. 2011.
- The Transmission of Women's Fertility, Human Capital and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generations. Presented to University of Oslo. Oslo Norway. 2011.
- The Transmission of Women's Fertility, Human Capital and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generations. Presented to Midwest Economic Association. St Louis, MO. 2011.
- Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants: 1980-2000. Presented to American Economic Association. Denver, CO. 2010.
- Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants. Presented to Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics. Stanford University. 2010.
- Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants: 1980-2000. Presented to National Bureau of Economic Research. Cambridge, Mass. 2010.
- Temporary Jobs and Job Search Effort in Europe. Presented to European Association of Labour Economists/Society of Labor Economists. London, England. 2010.
- Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants: 1980-2000. Presented to University of Warwick. Warwick, UK. 2010.
- Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants: 1980-2000. Presented to University of Washington. Seattle, Washington. 2010.
- Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants. Presented to Southern California Conference in Applied Microeconomics. Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA. 2010.
- Gender, Source Country Characteristics and Labor Market Assimilation Among Immigrants: 1980-2000. Presented to SUNY-Albany. Albany NY. 2010.
- What Characterizes a Flexible Labor Market and What are Its Effects?. Presented to Ministry of Finance of Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden. 2010.
- Why Do Leaders Matter? The Role of Expert Knowledge. Presented to Society of Labor Economists. Boston, MA. 2009.
- The Transmission of Women's Fertility, Human Capital and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generatios. Presented to Society of Labor Economists. Boston, MA. 2009.
Honors and Awards
- Time Use Research Award, IPUMS. 2021