Cynder Haines
A&S '21
High Road Fellowships - Buffalo, NY
PUSH Buffalo
• Served as a researcher with the Organizing Department for the summer.
• Researched a number of progressive policies including:
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit, a federal tax incentive responsible for a majority of the affordable housing developments in the United States;
- Single Transferable Vote as a voting system to elect politicians who better represent their constituents’ interests;
- Community Land Trusts as a vehicle for preserving affordable housing for decades into the future.
• Attended a housing forum where tenants, landlords, and local politicians discussed the Rent Act of 2019 prior to being passed in New York State.
• Participated in a weeklong planning retreat for the organizing department.
BUFFALO HIGHLIGHTJuly 4th at Canalside and biking through Delaware Park.
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTThe Friday Speakers, whose stories and knowledge contributed to every Friday being an amazing learning experience.
INTERESTSPolicy and public service, housing, transit, and ranked-choice voting. Astronomy, trumpet and piano.
CONVENTIONAL AND UNCONVENTIONAL SKILLSPolicy research, Spanish, and video production.