Elizabeth Li
Buffalo, NY
Clean Air Coalition
- Conducted research on the damage of toxins from heavy industries on residents’ health.
- Researched environmental agencies’ standards and guidelines on air pollutant emissions.
- Performed turn-out calls to members for Clean Air Coalition community meetings.
- Entered canvassing results into database to allow for an improved system of efficient communication with members and interested contacts.
- Attended community meetings where local residents voiced their concerns and action plans were improvised.
- Participated in taking air samples for use in testing for pollutants in the air, including after two major industrial fires in the city this summer.
- Miscellaneous administrative assistance tasks.
"The fellowship was an intensive training in working with grassroots organizations. Since we have training in so many areas of study, we have a variety of choices, and nonprofits and grassroots have become one of those potential fields for me to consider. My experience with the organization and with the program has been great. My favorite activity would be the many tours of local historical sites"
"Liz has done a great job with her research, very thorough, accomplishing much more than we planned for. She cheerfully takes on any project."
Erin Heaney,
Clean Air Coalition