Ivana Letayf Lazo de la Vega
Work Highlights
Proposed and designed new site content and scheme for Frontline Arts Buffalo website redesign.
Successfully created, implemented, and developed new look and style for notable web presence.
Performed routine updates, upgrades, and overall maintenance of the website, adding new content to support the BLM movement.
Attended Frontline Arts Buffalo meetings to further the arts and engage in conversation with essential community members.
Summer Takeaway
As best said by my supervisor, Maria Ta, the arts are the vehicle for change and are vital in giving a voice to the underserved and underrepresented.
Supervisor Quote
Ivana was a dream come true. From the beginning we could tell that she meant business. Throughout this fellowship experience Ivana has been focused, organized and highly motivated to get the job done. She has a maturity and passion for the work beyond her years. We are so thankful to have her with us this summer in which she has helped us truly propel our social justice work forward. We wish Ivana tremendous luck that she undoubtedly will not need and look forward to all the great work she will do in the future!
–Maria Ta