I wrote this poem after reflecting on every single way I have been personally gaslighted by non-black people,
and the ways I have seen the media and others gaslight my community when it comes to our lives, our survival,
and our chances at thriving amidst being suffocated by this country we call America.
From Womb To Tomb
This melody keeps ringing in my ear
When I say Black Lives, You Say Matter,
Black Lives...
No, If it’s so bad go back to Africa
He’s an immigrant and look how well he’s doing
I’ll never respect someone who does not honor the flag
Y’all use the n-word with each other, why can’t we?
It’s not a skin problem, it’s a sin problem
Let’s not focus on the past
Kumbaya, my Lord
Stop being so lazy
If Martin Luther King, Jr. was alive
Y’all kill each other
All lives matter
Blue lives Matter
I don’t see color
You’re black, but not BLACK BLACK, you know?
It’s not white privilege, it's white blessings
There are some good cops out there
Maybe they shouldn’t have run
Stop pulling the race card
Listen, if they loot, we shoot
Is it really that serious?
You’ve gone too far.
And so far this song
Is out of tune.