Please join us for the launch of Cornell ILR’s new Climate Jobs Institute!
New York and the nation’s transition to a climate-friendly, decarbonized economy is historic and monumental. To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we must accelerate our efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, inequality – of income, wealth, race, gender, and hope – has reached epic proportions. Building a clean energy economy is an opportunity to create a fairer, more inclusive economy with high-quality jobs.
On January 25, 2023, Cornell ILR will deepen and expand its expertise and commitment to labor, climate, and equity work by establishing a new Climate Jobs Institute. The Climate Jobs Institute’s mission is to guide NY and the nation’s transition to a strong, equitable, and resilient clean energy economy that tackles the climate crisis, creates high-quality union jobs, confronts racial and gender inequality, and builds a diverse and inclusive workforce.
Please join us as we celebrate the launch of this groundbreaking new Institute!
The event will highlight key milestones in the journey to build a large, equitable clean energy economy with good jobs. As part of the launch event, we will host a panel discussion on how NYS can use the Inflation Reduction Act and the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Green Jobs Bond Act to meet climate goals while creating community-sustaining careers, especially for frontline communities.
For more information and to register: