LLC and CJNY facilitate Offshore Wind Training for IBEW Local 3
On Wednesday, July 20th, Cornell's Labor Leading on Climate Initiative delivered its latest “Climate Jobs and Offshore Wind (OSW)” training in partnership with Climate Jobs NY.
Cornell's Training and Education Associate, Zach Cunningham, worked with Climate Jobs NY’s Mariah Dignan and leaders from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 3 to deliver the training to nearly 200 apprentices at the union’s training facility in Long Island City, Queens. Dignan facilitated on-site, while Cunningham joined via Zoom.
IBEW Local 3 members learned about current offshore wind projects in New York. The session specifically focused on two projects that will be within Local 3’s jurisdiction. Empire Wind 1 will connect to the grid in Brooklyn, and Beacon Wind will do so in Queens. For the first time, the training incorporated video footage of technicians working on offshore rigs in the United Kingdom, giving participants a better understanding of what the work will look like in practice.
This was the largest offshore wind training delivered yet, and the second consecutive session with over 100 attendees. As New York’s offshore wind projects move forward, there is clearly an appetite to learn more from our partners in the building trades.
For more information and to register for upcoming trainings, visit https://www.nycclc.org/news/2020-12/climate-jobs-ny-update-long-island-climate-offshore-wind-training.