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LLC facilitates “Carbon Free & Healthy Schools” training for union members in NYC

On Tuesday, April 12th, the Labor Leading on Climate Initiative delivered a “Carbon Free & Healthy Schools” training in partnership with Climate Jobs NY.  In addition to the Worker Institute and Climate Jobs NY, sponsors included the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), AFSCME DC37, 32BJ SEIU, the Building & Construction Trades Council of Greater New York, the New York City Central Labor Council, and the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators.

Worker Institute Extension Associate Zach Cunningham worked with Climate Jobs NY’s Tory Kaso to deliver the training to members of several different unions, including UFT, AFSCME DC37, & PSC-CUNY.  Participants discussed the various infrastructure improvements needed in their schools.  For example, the average year of construction for NYC schools is 1952, and the American Society of Engineers gave American school infrastructure a “D+” in its latest report card.  

Facilitators also presented key elements of the Carbon Free & Healthy Schools campaign and how it can help solve some of the issues participants raised.  To close the workshop, participants learned different ways they can get involved in the campaign, including writing letters to the editor of local newspapers and sending messages to their elected city council representatives.

To date, over 20 members have attended training sessions on this topic. The coalition plans to hold additional trainings for union members throughout the NYC budget cycle.  To learn more about the campaign, visit

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