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Union woman worker wearing a hard hat and standing in front of solar panels

Public Impact

Cunningham Facilitates Climate Jobs and Offshore Wind Training

Cornell's Labor Leading on Climate, Zach Cunningham, delivers virtual training to staff and member-leaders from NYSNA and Locals 1199 and 32BJ.
OSW Training
Cunningham Facilitates Climate Jobs and Offshore Wind Training

Cunningham Facilitates UALE Workshop

Cunningham co-facilitates “Popular Education in a Virtual World” workshop at the United Association for Labor Education’s virtual conference
Uale logo
Cunningham Facilitates UALE Workshop

NYS Passes Labor Standards on Clean Energy Work

NY is the first state in the country to pass a comprehensive suite of labor standards on clean energy work
solar panels upstate
NYS Passes Labor Standards on Clean Energy Work

Cunningham Facilitates LI Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) Training

Zach Cunningham, Training and Education Extension Associate, delivers Climate Change and Offshore Wind (OSW) Training to LiUNA members on Long Island.
Union members listening to Offshore Wind training presentation
Cunningham Facilitates LI Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) Training

A Worker-First Green New Deal with Lara Skinner | Jacobin Show

Lara Skinner, director of the Worker Institute’s Labor Leading on Climate Initiative at Cornell's ILR School, joins the show to discuss the critical role of unions in the fight for climate protection and clean energy and why the Green New Deal must begin with the labor movement.
Lara Skinner on The Jacobin Show Flyer
A Worker-First Green New Deal with Lara Skinner | Jacobin Show

Skinner to Speak at the Virtual Boston Labor Conference: Labor, Climate Change, and Political Power

Lara Skinner, Director of the WI Labor Leading on Climate Initiative, will discuss what a “just transition” looks like that dramatically lowers carbon emissions, prioritizes working people, and redistributes wealth at the Virtual Boston Labor Conference: Labor, Climate Change, and Political.
Boston Labor Conference Flyer
Skinner to Speak at the Virtual Boston Labor Conference: Labor, Climate Change, and Political Power

Cunningham Facilitates Climate Change and Offshore Wind (OSW) Training

Zach Cunningham, Training and Education Extension Associate, delivered Climate Change and Offshore Wind (OSW) Training to New York union leaders.
Opening slide of Climate Jobs and Offshore Wind Training
Cunningham Facilitates Climate Change and Offshore Wind (OSW) Training

Skinner to Participate in "Union Labor and Building a Renewable Future," LEP Labor Forum

Lara Skinner, Director of the WI Labor Leading on Climate Initiative, will discuss how Illinois can move into a clean energy economy at the scale climate science demands, create good union jobs, and support more equitable communities at the LEP Labor Forum live-streamed on Facebook Live.
LEP Labor Forum Flyer
Skinner to Participate in "Union Labor and Building a Renewable Future," LEP Labor Forum

Skinner to Speak at the 2021 Time for Turbines Conference

Lara Skinner, Director of the WI Labor Leading on Climate Initiative, will discuss how to create good, long-term jobs and build equity in the offshore wind industry at the 4th annual Time for Turbines conference on Jan. 26th.
Image of Wind Turbine
Skinner to Speak at the 2021 Time for Turbines Conference

Skinner to speak at CPC Carbon Neutral Summit

Lara Skinner, Director of the Labor Leading on Climate Initiative, will speak at the Carbon Neutral Summit on Jan. 13th. The Summit will cover climate action in NYS, prioritizing climate justice, and strategies for building decarbonization.
Climate Jobs Summit Logo
Skinner to speak at CPC Carbon Neutral Summit

Jacobin: New York’s Building Trades Unions Are Showing the Way Forward on Green Jobs

Lara Skinner, Director of the Labor Leading on Climate at Cornell, shares insight on the impact that climate change has on working people.
Image of Construction Hard Hats
Jacobin: New York’s Building Trades Unions Are Showing the Way Forward on Green Jobs

Labor Leading on Climate Initiative Participates in 18th Transatlantic Social Dialogue

Lara Skinner speaks on how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities at the "Climate change, organized labor and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic – perspectives from Europe and the US" panel session.
Image of COVID-19
Labor Leading on Climate Initiative Participates in 18th Transatlantic Social Dialogue

Labor Leading on Climate Launches Long Island Pilot Program

The Labor Leading on Climate team conducted a pilot of its newly-developed “Climate Jobs and Offshore Wind (OSW)” training.
Long Island Climate Change and Offshsore Wind Training
Labor Leading on Climate Launches Long Island Pilot Program

Skinner Participates in eCornell's Clean Energy and COVID-19: Green Priorities for the Economic Recovery Webinar

The panel will detail some of the most important clean energy efforts and goals to focus on amid the ongoing pandemic and recovery.
Clean Energy
Skinner Participates in eCornell's Clean Energy and COVID-19: Green Priorities for the Economic Recovery Webinar

Labor Leading on Climate selected as Educational Partner for Climate Jobs National Resource Center

The Initiative will provide research, education and training support to unions on climate change and clean energy across the United States.
Logo of Climate Jobs National Resource Center
Labor Leading on Climate selected as Educational Partner for Climate Jobs National Resource Center

Reversing Inequality and Combatting Climate Change

The Climate Jobs Now! Summit took place on Oct. 27, 2017. The event was organized by The Worker Institute at Cornell, Climate Jobs NY and the office of NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Climate Jobs Now! Summit
Reversing Inequality and Combatting Climate Change

Governor, labor unions announce climate jobs program

Cornell Chronicle
“The national debates on climate change are often defined as ‘jobs versus the environment’ or ‘workers against environmentalists,’” said Lara Skinner
New York State Logo
Governor, labor unions announce climate jobs program

Inequality and Worker Rights: Where Do We Go From Here?

In this webcast, representatives of The Worker Institute at Cornell examine the ways in which worker rights and collective representation impact inequality and explore innovative solutions developed by the labor movement to solve this growing crisis.
ILR Online Webcast: Inequality and Worker Rights: Where do we go from here?
Inequality and Worker Rights: Where Do We Go From Here?