Labor Leading on Climate Initiative Participates in 18th Transatlantic Social Dialogue
Lara Skinner speaks on how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities at the "Climate change, organized labor and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic – perspectives from Europe and the US" panel session.
Four Cornellians Tapped for NYS Climate Advisory Panels
Cornell Chronicle
The New York State Climate Action Council has chosen Lara Skinner, director of the Labor Leading on Climate Initiative at the ILR School, to serve on the Just Transition Working Group.
New York aims to fight climate change by creating green union jobs
The Guardian
“We brought together more than a dozen unions, and said things are not good at the national level in terms of how unions are relating to environmental organizations and the climate movement,” said Lara Skinner
The labor movement has to be central to winning a Green New Deal and reversing climate change. Recent labor victories show how we can do just that, from the ground up, and quickly.
An attack on public sector unions is an attack on democracy
The Hill
At a time when non-standard work arrangements and technology are rapidly changing the economy, and more people are engaging in unprotected “gig” work, the need for robust labor protections is stronger than ever, says Lara Skinner.
Reversing Inequality and Combatting Climate Change
The Climate Jobs Now! Summit took place on Oct. 27, 2017. The event was organized by The Worker Institute at Cornell, Climate Jobs NY and the office of NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
The fight against climate change: four cities leading the way in the Trump era
The Guardian
“Our carbon footprint is a lot smaller than it could be because we move around millions of people on public transport rather than car, but mass transit is often overlooked,” said Lara Skinner.
Inequality and Worker Rights: Where Do We Go From Here?
In this webcast, representatives of The Worker Institute at Cornell examine the ways in which worker rights and collective representation impact inequality and explore innovative solutions developed by the labor movement to solve this growing crisis.
In staving off climate change, social landscape adjusts
Cornell Chronicle
As the U.S. enacts agreements made at the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP21) in December 2015 in Paris, Skinner said that New York state can lead the country to societal equity in a low-carbon economy.