Cornell Policy team finishes the season off strong!
After NDT wins, Cornell Policy Debate ranks 4th in the nation.
From April 4th through 8th, Praveen Gunendran and Devansh Jotsinghani attended the National Debate Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia. Despite the fierce competition between the 78 top policy debate teams from across the country, the team won three varsity rounds at the NDT. As these two seniors finish off their last debate season at Cornell, we celebrate their years of success on the Cornell Policy Debate Team and wish them the best going forward!
Overall, the Cornell Policy Debate Team had a successful season, placing 4th in the nation for the 2023-2024 debate year! After this incredible season full of national successes debating on nuclear weapons, our debaters are heading back to Cornell on a high note, to finish off the spring semester and prepare for the upcoming debate season.