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Jeremy and Marc - West Point Tournament Champs

Focus on Illustrious Alums: Jeremy Rosen & Marc Kesselman

Bringing the Sword to Cornell in 1992!

This picture below of Jeremy B. Rosen and Marc Kesselman was taken in the Fall of 1992 just before they were presented the West Point - The U.S. Military Academy sword after their championship win.

It was undoubtedly quite a final round then for three reasons:

(1) the team of Jeremy and Marc beat another Cornell team of Derek Shaffer and Steve Hewitson;

(2) Normally when two teams from the same college meet in the final, it would just be a close out and everyone would head home. However, in this instance, there were special final round judges who actually insisted on having the debate final round;

(3) As Jeremy recalled, it was probably one of the toughest moments on their [Jeremy & Marc] way to an incredible undefeated fall semester that year, 1992.

There was a LOT of pressure to bring the sword back to Cornell every year, and Jeremy and Marc made sure that was done to Pam Stepp's (founding director) satisfaction.

Notice that Jeremy still had full hair then. Now it has given way for more wisdom.