The Takedown of Elon Musk’s $56 Billion Pay Package
ICS hosts lead plaintiff Attorney David Tejtal and an expert panel
When Elon Musk requested and was granted a pay package from Tesla that would result in a massive and unprecedented transfer of wealth from shareholders to the CEO, a small shareholder decided to take him to court. David Tejtel argued the case that asked whether Tesla’s board was exercising its power for shareholders or disproportionately for Musk’s interests as Tesla’s self-styled “Technoking.”
Tejtel and ILR's Brian Dunn (ILR), who served as an expert on executive compensation for the plaintiffs, will speak about the Musk-Tesla case. They are joined by Cornell faculty experts Charles Whitehead (Law School) and Yaniv Grinstein (SC Johnson College of Business), to draw out implications for the delicate relationships among corporate governance, high performing executives, and the boards that oversee them. Diane Burton (ILR School) will serve as host and moderator.
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