Video: The Promise of Social Equity in the Cannabis Industry
Recorded on February 9, 2022
This program (link here: https://vimeo.com/683425113/483b9b34de) is a discussion about the implementation of the NYS Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA), which is both social equity and employment legislation and has as its goal repairing the damage caused by criminalization of cannabis and mass incarceration to individuals and communities. This far-reaching legislation prioritizes diversity and equity in the granting of licenses, quality jobs, and expungement of cannabis criminal records to increase employment opportunities for people involved in the criminal legal system. It will focus on the forthcoming MRTA regulations, workforce development issues, and how prospective licensees and current employers in the medical cannabis industry see the development of this emerging industry in NYS.
Introduction: Amy Desjardins, Executive Director, Workforce Development Institute
Roberta Reardon, NYS Commissioner of Labor
Christopher Alexander, Executive Director, NYS Office of Cannabis Management
Wasontiiosta “Wass” George, Cultivation Technician, MedMen Cannabis Dispensaries and Delivery Service; Plans to apply for Social Equity NYS Cannabis License
Norbert Pickett, Proprietor, President & CEO, Shop Cannabliss
Moderator: Esta R. Bigler, Director, ILR Labor & Employment Law Program
Link to the recording of the program here.
For questions about this or other programs, e-mail us at: esta_bigler_ilr-lel@cornell.edu.