Computational Tools for Social Scientists Workshop, 2020 Edition
Date: 2020/8/24-2020/8/27 | Location: Online | Time: 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. (some days will end earlier)
The goal of this workshop is to showcase computer-oriented techniques and tools for social science students, from basic command line tools on Linux and Mac to version control to optimization and parallelization techniques for high-performance computing, with reproducible methods training thrown in for good measure. We will teach just enough of each programming language to be able to highlight additional techniques. There will be hands-on training on a few systems, such as the new Econ cluster (for economics students) and cloud-based resources. This workshop is designed to open your eyes to the possibilities, scratching the surface, but mostly not diving into any particular depths.
Who: Second year Ph.D. and higher, and faculty, in Economics or other social sciences. If you haven't taken the course in the past, or want a refresher, you should participate.
Presenters: Lars Vilhuber, Ivan Rudik, others
Tentative syllabus here: https://labordynamicsinstitute.github.io/computing4economists/web/. We may modify the actual activities based on where the workshop participants express needs and interest.
Some GRA supervisors are requiring this course, so please check with your GRA supervisor.
Registration is required. https://cornell.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3qKmBhfeWXAuT2J