LDI Affiliate Erica Groshen with co-authors releases working paper on jobs, wages and skills
December 3, 2020 - LDI Affiliate Erica Groshen, with co-authors, released a working paper on the jobs, wages and skills of workers who have a high school diploma but not a four-year college degree:
Blair, P., Castagnino, T., Groshen, E., Debroy, P., Auguste, B., Ahmed, S., Diaz, F. G., & Bonavida, C. (2020). Searching for STARs: Work Experience as a Job Market Signal for Workers without Bachelor’s Degrees. National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w26844.
The study has been cited in a Dec 3, 2020 New York Times article, "Up to 30 Million in U.S. Have the Skills to Earn 70% More, Researchers Say."