Census Bureau @ Cornell Seminar Series
CISER and the Labor Dynamics Institute have partnered to invite a number of Census Bureau researchers to present on a variety of topics at Cornell University. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about exciting research done at the largest US statistical agency, research behind the economic, demographic, geographic, sociological data that many applied researchers use in their research.
Some of the presentations are part of the class on “Social and Economic Data” (INFO/ILRLE/ECON 7470), but not restricted to students registered for the class.
Census Bureau speakers are present on-campus for an extended period surrounding the presentations, and we encourage interested parties to contact Melissa Colbeth [mdc282@cornell.edu] at the Labor Dynamics Institute to schedule a one-on-one meeting, in particular if they are interested in preparing or furthering research that uses confidential data accessible through the Federal Statistical Research Data Center at CISER.
For the schedule, see here.