Unions’ Responses to COVID-19: A Transatlantic Perspective
On Monday, April 27th, the School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR), Cornell University In cooperation with The Worker Institute at Cornell ILR and The Transatlantic Social Dialogue hosted a live webinar on how unions have responded to the challenge of COVID-19. The virtual panel offered a cross-national perspective on the role of unions in securing worker-friendly elements in various legislative stimulus package in response to COVID-19.
The panel brought together unionists and labor leaders from a number of countries, including Germany, Italy, Denmark and the United States. Speakers included, Dean Alexander Colvin, ILR School, Cornell University, Horst Mund, Head of the Transnational Department, IG Metall (Germany), Angelo Di Cristo, Head of UNI Finance, UNI Global Union, Liz Shuler, Secretary Treasurer, AFL-CIO, and Lise Lotte Toft, Head of Department, Management Forum, EU and International Affairs, Danish Trade Union Confederation.
Watch the full panel below.