Stopping Sexual Harassment in the Empire State
Stopping Sexual Harassment in the Empire State: Past, Present, and a Possible Future
This report maps current patterns of workplace sexual harassment and their impact in New York State using data from the 2018 Empire State Poll, a statewide survey of New Yorkers conducted by the Cornell Survey Research Institute. In addition to sharing the survey findings, the report provides a broader frame for understanding how efforts to confront sexual and gender-based harassment and assault have evolved over time, and charts possible directions for future organizing, policy, and research in New York and beyond. It highlights the experiences of diverse survivors and their efforts to effect change in specific industries; black women’s leadership in propelling shifts in law and culture; and culture change work engaging men and women as allies.
Learn more about New York-based organizing, advocacy, and policy referenced in the report:
- African American Policy Forum
- American Civil Liberties Union Women’s Right Project
- Black Women’s Blueprint: Truth and Reconciliation, Hands off our Bodies
- National Council for Occupational Safety and Health: Training Assistance on Workplace Sexual Harassment, Our Turn
- Girls for Gender Equity
- Legal Momentum
- New York-based domestic worker organizations: Model Alliance, When Harvey Comes Home: Domestic Workers Fight Sexual Abuse, Time's Up: Sexual Harassment
- New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council, AFL-CIO
- New York State
- New York State Department of Labor
- NYC Human Rights
- Restaurant Opportunities Center- New York