A Guide to Organizing Women's Committees
Authors of "Women's Committees in Worker Organizations: Still Making a Difference," Worker Institute faculty members Lois Gray and Maria Figueroa, are now releasing an compact guide on exactly how to form a women’s committee in a union or worker-centered organization. The organizer-friendly guide addresses the "challenges involved in organizing co-workers with a comprehensive plan and a determination to succeed in meeting the goals of the mission." With funding from the Berger Marks Foundation, both publications are designed to inform and assist labor unions and other worker organizations in forming and growing women’s committees.
Inspired by Lois Gray and Maria Figueroa's research on the experience of national and local unions and worker centers with women’s committees and special programs for their women’s members, a “Women’s Committees in Worker Organizations: Still Making a Difference,” garnered positive response to the question, “are separate services and structure still needed for women who now constitute almost half the membership?” This highlighted strategies for success and translated into the guide: “A Guide to Organizing Women's Committees: Everything You Need to Know to Make a Difference,” by Jane LaTour and a discussion outline with workshop materials prepared by Dale Melchior.
These publications are also available on the Berger Marks website.
Click here to download the pdf version of the report: