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Worker with a mask in a restaurant

Precarious Work

Workers Rights in the Gig Economy

Responses by workers and their advocates to challenges in the gig economy will be explored in an April 27-28 conference organized by The Worker Institute at Cornell.
Workers Conference
Workers Rights in the Gig Economy

New Solidarity Strategies

Are labor unions the answer to improving conditions for low-wage and “precarious” workers? These are among the questions examined in a book co-edited by ILR Associate Professor of Comparative Employment Relations Virginia Doellgast.
Reconstructing Solidarity
New Solidarity Strategies

App Fights Wage Theft

An ILR School researcher was among the advocates and community leaders who met at the New York City Council’s Rapid Response Lab event on June 15 to discuss criminal justice and immigration reform issues.
Worker Institute at Cornell Research Specialist Legna J. Cabrera and Manuel Castro, executive director of New Immigrant Community Empowerment
App Fights Wage Theft

Fighting Wage Theft

To address these challenges, New York day labor centers in collaboration with The Worker Institute at Cornell ILR, have developed a new tool – a mobile phone application to prevent wage theft and other violations of worker rights.
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Fighting Wage Theft

Standing Up for Dignity: Report Reveals Struggles of Women Day Laborers

On August 2, The Worker Institute at Cornell hosted the launch of Standing Up for Dignity: Women Day Laborers in Brooklyn, NY, a report on the working conditions of a uniquely vulnerable and often overlooked workforce.
Standing Up for Dignity: Women Day Laborers in Brooklyn, NY
Standing Up for Dignity: Report Reveals Struggles of Women Day Laborers

ILR’s Shannon Gleeson: Confronting Inequality Means Going Beyond Minimum Wage

Wage theft and other workplace violations are rampant in low-wage industries, and the mechanisms to address these challenges are weak, as Gleeson explains in her recent piece in US News & World Report.
Minimum wage rally
ILR’s Shannon Gleeson: Confronting Inequality Means Going Beyond Minimum Wage

New Smartphone App Helps Day Laborers Report Abuse & Fight Wage Theft

The Jornalera Wage Theft App links the struggle for immigrant workers’ rights to the concept of community accountability
Jornalero Wage Theft App - "They tell you: 'Sure I will pay you tomorrow"
New Smartphone App Helps Day Laborers Report Abuse & Fight Wage Theft

The Worker Institute Sponsors NYU Conference on Precarious & Low-Wage Worker Organizing

The Worker Institute at Cornell is co-sponsoring the NYU Review of Law and Social Change's 2016 symposium, "Dishwashers, Domestic Workers, and Day Laborers: Can Alternative Labor Organizing Revive the Labor Movement?" on March 24 and 25 at NYU School of Law.
NYU Review of Law & Social Change
The Worker Institute Sponsors NYU Conference on Precarious & Low-Wage Worker Organizing

Engaging in Wage Policy; Elimintaing the Tipped Wage

Worker Institute Senior Associate Linda Donahue presented testimony she co-authored with ILR faculty members Shannon Gleeson and Kati Griffith today in front of the New York State Wage Board in Buffalo supporting the elimination of the tipped wage rate in the state.
Tipped Wage
Engaging in Wage Policy; Elimintaing the Tipped Wage

Worker Institute Announces New Partnership with NDLON

The Worker Institute has announced an exciting new partnership with the National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON). NDLON, a national network based in Los Angeles, is an alliance of local organizations that works to expand the rights of day laborers.
NDLON logo
Worker Institute Announces New Partnership with NDLON

Brown Bag Lunch on Precarious Work and Movement Building, with Oscar Olivera from Bolivia

Please join us for a brown bag lunch discussion with one of Latin America's most well known and innovative labor and social movement organizers, Oscar Olivera, based in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Brown Bag Lunch on Precarious Work and Movement Building, with Oscar Olivera from Bolivia

Still Making a Difference

The Berger-Marks Foundation announces the release of its newest report, “Women’s Committees in Worker Organizations: Still Making a Difference,” written by Lois Gray and Maria Figueroa of the Worker Institute at Cornell,
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Still Making a Difference

Crystal Ball

Saket Soni, director of the National Guestworker Alliance, discussed the emergence of temporary, subcontracted and other kinds of unstable employment on Friday at a Worker Institute-organized event.
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Crystal Ball

Undocumented Workers: Crossing the Borders of Immigration and Workplace Law

Undocumented workers uncomfortably straddle two legal regimes: immigration law and workplace law. Because of their undocumented immigration status, immigration law formally excludes these workers from such things as voting, the workplace, and access to most federal public benefits.
Farm Workers
Undocumented Workers: Crossing the Borders of Immigration and Workplace Law

The Cost of Worker Misclassification in New York State

This study uses data based on audits performed by the NYS Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Division during the four-year period 2002-2005. Audits were performed on firms in certain industries, and data was extrapolated statewide for these industries only, based on given employment information.
Construction Worker Roof
The Cost of Worker Misclassification in New York State