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Union woman worker wearing a hard hat and standing in front of solar panels


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As the applied research and education partner of the Climate Jobs National Resource Center, we help the labor movement create a positive and proactive vision for tackling the climate crisis at the speed and scale that science demands while maximizing high-quality job creation and economic development.

While many of our reports are roadmaps for specific states to tackle the dual crises of climate and inequality, we also produce reports on underexplored areas, such as the working conditions in the solar industry and expanding access to clean energy jobs through pre-apprenticeship programs.

A collage containing covers of six recent reports that the Climate Jobs Institute produced.


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Welcome to our Commentary section, where we offer shorter-form analyses on current climate policies, programs, and initiatives—all through a high-quality job creation lens. We also initiate and contribute to essential conversations that draw the connection between good green jobs and effective climate action. 

Tools and Resources

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Having the most up-to-date information is important when championing climate jobs. That is why we have developed maps, infographics, and other materials to help you better understand the climate and clean energy landscape.

Public Impact

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New report details the working conditions of New York's solar workers

"Green jobs are kind of being sold as this equitable, just transition that people will go into and it's really like a life-changing career and that is not the case from what we're finding," said Avalon Hoek Spaans, assistant director of research at Cornell’s ILR Climate Jobs Institute.
north country public radio
New report details the working conditions of New York's solar workers

NY solar workers overworked, underpaid — study

New York's rapid expansion in solar energy capacity depends on overworked transient labor, according to a recent study.
Solar workers installing panels
NY solar workers overworked, underpaid — study

Michigan leaders warn about the health impacts of climate change

“Climate change is often perceived as purely an environmental issue — maybe a technical or scientific issue — but not a social, economic or jobs issue” said Skinner at the second annual MI Healthy Climate Conference on May 16, 2024 at the Lansing Center.
Wildfire smoke from Canada hangs over Lansing on June 29, 2023. | Photo by Anna Gustafson
Michigan leaders warn about the health impacts of climate change


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Student Impact

The Climate Jobs Institute provides year-round opportunities for students to work with our interdisciplinary team on exploratory and state-based labor-climate research. 

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About the Institute

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As the applied research and education partner of the Climate Jobs National Resource Center, we study the labor and employment impacts of the climate crisis, conduct cutting-edge applied research and analysis, develop labor-climate policy recommendations, and design training and education that helps build the knowledge, confidence, and motivation of the labor movement, elected leaders, and government officials to shape and drive this historic transition to an equitable zero-carbon economy.