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Three students standing and chatting outside with the ILR School in the background..

Here’s why your support matters:

Leadership in the Field:

The ILR School stands at the forefront of labor and employment studies, consistently producing pioneering research that influences policy and practice. Your donation helps sustain and elevate our position as leaders in the field.

Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders:

Your contribution directly contributes to the education of future leaders in labor relations, human resources, and workplace policy. By supporting ILR, you empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to address the complex challenges of the modern workforce.

Global Impact:

ILR's reach extends far beyond the campus. Through international programs, partnerships, and research initiatives, we address global issues in the world of work. Your support enables us to make a positive impact on a global scale.

Inclusive and Diverse Perspectives:

ILR is committed to fostering an inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives. Your donation helps us continue to create an academic community that reflects the richness of experiences and backgrounds in the workforce.

Practical Solutions:

ILR is dedicated to bridging theory and practice. Your support fuels initiatives that translate academic research into real-world solutions, benefiting both organizations and workers.

Community Engagement:

ILR actively engages with communities, organizations, and policymakers to address pressing issues. Your support strengthens our ability to be a proactive force for positive change in the world of work.

When you give to the ILR School, you join a community dedicated to shaping the future of work, advancing knowledge, and making a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and organizations. Your contribution makes a lasting difference!
“It is an incredibly exciting time in the “world of work”! More than ever, our ILR professors are leading voices on many of the cutting-edge issues facing our workforce and daily lives. Our ILR students are learning how to think critically, become leaders, and make an important impact on our society. I am proud to contribute each year to ILR's Annual Fund and financial aid initiatives, to support ILR's talented faculty and students, the meaningful mission of the ILR School, and the workplace of our future.”
Lauren Ezrol Klein ’88
Lauren Ezrol Klein ’88