Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme

Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme

Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme

Country of origin: Canada Visiting period: June 2016 Faculty sponsor: Ian C. Greer, Ph.D. Email:
Background and Previous Experience

Background and Previous Experience

Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme is a doctoral student at the University of Greenwich in London, UK. She is part of the 'Work and Employment Research Unit' (WERU) at the Greenwich University Business School and is also involved in the European Commission funded research project 'The Effects of Marketization on Societies in Europe' (TEMS) with principal investigator Prof. Ian Greer. She holds a BA in Psychology and an MSc in Industrial Relations, both from the University of Montreal in Canada. Before starting her doctoral studies, she worked as a manager for Scottish Widows in Edinburgh, Scotland. Her doctoral research focuses on trade union responses in the context of public healthcare marketization in France and in England. More specifically, she is investigating the national and local factors that influence both union responses and campaigning outcomes when local public healthcare services are at risk of being privatised. This spring she also served as a visiting fellow at the 'Laboratoire d'Economie et de Sociology du Travail' (LEST) at the Aix-Marseille University in France.

Current Research at ILR

During her stay at the ILR School at Cornell University, she intends to work on her research regarding trade union responses to public healthcare marketization and meet with ILR school scholars. She will also be taking part in the "Marketization and neoliberal restructuring in Europe" workshop on June 16th, 2016.

Genevieve Coderre-LaPalme