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The following list of courses will fulfill the Labor History (LH) Elective Requirement.  The requirement must be fulfilled with a 3-credit, 4-credit, or two 2-credit courses and must be taken for a letter grade.

* Indicates that the class is being offered in Spring 2025


AMST 1595/ASRC 1595/HIST 1595 African American History From 1865

AMST 1802/HIST 1802/LATA 1802/LSP 1802/SHUM 1802 Introduction to Latinos in U.S. History

* AMST 3590/ASRC 3590/HIST 3590 The Black Radical Tradition in the U.S.

AMST 4155/HIST 4155/FGSS 4155/ASRC 4155 Slavery and Gender

AAS 2100/ANTHR 2410 South Asian Diaspora 

AAS 2130/AMST 2640/HIST 2640 Introduction to Asian American History

COML 3006/FGSS 3693/ILRGL 3691/NES 3691 Race and Slavery, Old and Modern

ECON 3300/ILRLE 3440 Development of Economic Thought & Institutions

ECON 3330/ILRLE 3040 Topics in Twentieth Century Economic History

ECON 3340/ILRLE 4440 The Evolution of Social Policy in Britain and America

FGSS 4360/ILRGL 4362/ILRGL 6360/FGSS 6360 Comparative History of Women and Work

HIST 2052 Disassembling Silicon Valley: A People's History of High-Tech America

HIST 4085/6085 Economic Globalization and Democratic Crisis, 1870- present

HIST 6065/STS 6061 Science, Technology, and Capitalism

ILRGL 1845/AMST 1540/HIST 1540 American Capitalism

ILRGL 2070 Writing Seminar in History

ILRGL 3020 Strangers and Citizens: Immigration and Labor in U.S. History

ILRGL 3040 Special Topics in Labor History: Global Histories

ILRGL 3062/HIST 2062/LATA 2062/LSP 2062 Migrant Workers in the Americas ,

ILRGL 3065/AMST 3065/LATA 3065/LSP 3065 Immigrant America: Race and Citizenship in Modern Working-Class History

ILRGL 3070 The Changing American Corporation

ILRGL 3071 Governing Economic Development: The US Experience

ILRGL 3315 Gender at Work in U.S. History

* ILRGL 3805 African American and Latinx Histories

ILRGL 3870/AMST 3870/HIST 3870 The History of Consumption: From Wedgwood to Wal-Mart

ILRGL 3880 Unfree Labor: Servants, Slaves, and Wives

* ILRGL 3885 Race and War in History: Workers, Soldiers, Prisoners, Activists

ILRGL 3890 Data and History

ILRGL 4533/AMST 4533 The Lower East Side: Jews and the Immigrant City

ILRLE 3450/ECON 3480 Race and the American Labor Market in Historical Perspective