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Illuminating the world of work in Ireland, Europe, and beyond. The ILR/UCD Semester in Dublin Program is an evolving collaboration between the ILR School at Cornell University and the Lochlann Quinn School of Business at University College Dublin (UCD).

The ILR/UCD Semester in Dublin Program is the educational centerpiece of a comprehensive collaboration between the ILR School at Cornell University and the Lochlann Quinn School of Business at University College Dublin. The ILR/UCD Semester in Dublin Program is unique among study abroad options at Cornell. It is the product of careful planning and close collaboration between two internationally renowned schools devoted to understanding and illuminating issues of work and workplace relations. The ILR School at Cornell University is widely regarded as the finest institution of its type in the world and the Lochlann Quinn School of Business at University College Dublin is one of the largest and most dynamic undergraduate business programs in all of Europe.

Check back here for the 2023 application coming soon.

ILR/UCD Semester in Dublin Program 2023

Students interested in participating in the Dublin Program are encouraged to meet with Brigid Beachler, Managing Director, as early as possible to discuss details.  To make an appointment, please e-mail Brigid Beachler at