A. Introduction
This edition of the Handbook contains all the policies and practices currently authorized by the ILR Faculty for the conduct of graduate study. The contents should be viewed as a supplement to the Code of Legislation of the Graduate Faculty of Cornell University and to ILR Faculty Legislation. The Graduate School Code as interpreted by the Dean of the Graduate School and/or its General Committee governs all graduate study at Cornell. Exceptions to policies prescribed by the Graduate School Code with respect to candidates for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are made by petition to the Dean of the Graduate School, though usually with endorsement of the field of study. Other policy matters involving the ILR M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, and policies governing the ILR professional degrees are set forth in this handbook.
Students may petition the ILR Graduate Committee for a waiver or substitution of certain requirements. The student must have a compelling reason for deviation, demonstrate acceptable alternative for competence and have written approval of his or her advisor or Chairperson. Final decision is the prerogative of the ILR Graduate Committee.
The policies in this handbook are subject to change by action of the Faculty, at which point this document will be revised.
B. Organization of Graduate Programs in the ILR School
Four graduate degree programs are offered in the Field of Industrial and Labor Relations:
- The M.S. and Ph.D. which are primarily academic and research oriented;
- The M.P.S. (Master of Professional Studies),
- The M.I.L.R. (Master of Industrial and Labor Relations) which are considered professional degrees.
The requirements, standards and recommendations for the M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs are established by the Graduate Faculty of the University. The establishment and maintenance of the requirements for admission, the standards of instruction, and requirements for degree completion for the M.I.L.R. and M.P.S. degree programs is the responsibility of the ILR Graduate Faculty.
The ILR Graduate Field Faculty is comprised of members of the university faculty, generally with primary faculty appointments in ILR. Faculty members are nominated for membership in the ILR Graduate Field by current members of the Field. The nomination and supporting documents are reviewed by the ILR Graduate Committee who forward their recommendation to the General Committee of the Graduate School to finalize. The Dean of the Graduate School makes the final approval and notifies the Field and the faculty member.
The Director of Graduate Studies (D.G.S.), a member of the ILR field faculty, is responsible for carrying out the mandates of the University Graduate Committee and the ILR Graduate Committee. The D.G.S. is also responsible for communicating policies, procedures, and other graduate business to the members of the Graduate Field Faculty, students and staff. The D.G.S. convenes and presides over admissions committee meetings and other graduate field meetings. The Director of Graduate Studies is elected by the ILR Field Faculty.