Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends,
I hope this finds you all safe and well. All across the Cornell and ILR communities, we are facing unprecedented times in dealing with both the public health and economic impacts of the global pandemic. The impact on too many has been tragic and I have been sorrowed to hear of losses among our alumni, family and friends.
This situation has demanded a collective response and the ILR community rose to the many challenges we are facing. The efforts of our faculty and staff are making it possible for our students to complete this academic year under very unusual circumstances. I continue to hear stories of perseverance in the face of a very difficult situation. This inspires us and provides the motivation for our faculty and staff to keep advancing our school’s mission.
The true value of ILR has never been more evident. Every day, an ILR expert is interviewed by top-tier media outlets in an effort to help the world make sense of the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19 on workers, organizations, our economy and society. We’ve also launched an information hub for the public and policymakers that you can access through the ILR homepage. The hub provides facts and analysis from ILR’s top experts on issues related to the world of work and COVID-19.
I am encouraged every day with the progress we are making, and I’m prouder than ever to be an ILRie. Please stay safe and my best to you and your families.
All my best,
Alexander J.S. Colvin, Ph.D. ’99
Kenneth F. Kahn ’69 Dean
Martin F. Scheinman ’75, M.S. ’76, Professor