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Dignity factory workers producing shirts for overseas clients, in Accra, Ghana

News and Events

Context: 'Q&A: How can fashion workers adapt to climate change?'

Executive Director Jason Judd is in Thomson Reuters’ Context, with a Q&A on how to help apparel workers as climate change accelerates. His three recommendations: set workplace temperature standards, annual wage adjustments and pay workers more money. As he puts it, “Arguably the most important adaptation technology is cash.”
White text, which says "Context. Know better. Do better.", on a royal blue background.
Context: 'Q&A: How can fashion workers adapt to climate change?'

Sourcing Journal: "The EU Omnibus is Here. Where Does It Leave Supply Chain Due Diligence?"

Visiting Fellow Samira Rafaela, quoted in the article: "I hope the European Parliament rejects the omnibus proposal and stands firm in defending the original CSDDD and CSRD. The omnibus proposal has not only weakened the results of democratic negotiations but also undermined the credibility of EU decision-making."
Sourcing Journal Logo
Sourcing Journal: "The EU Omnibus is Here. Where Does It Leave Supply Chain Due Diligence?"

Apparel Resources: 'GLI calls for annual review of RMG workers’ wages in Bangladesh'

Our recent Waiting Game policy brief is highlighted by Apparel Resources, where they discuss our recommendations for a shift to an annual wage-setting process in Bangladesh.
An R appears on a white background, with the R being made up of geometric shapes in different shades of blue.
Apparel Resources: 'GLI calls for annual review of RMG workers’ wages in Bangladesh'

New EU Law Should Catalyze Business Efforts to Tackle Forced Labor

In collaboration with Cornell GLI and Human Rights Watch, this article highlights why companies should embrace the EU Force Labor Regulation and why taking action now is a strategic advantage.
The European Union flag flies in front of a blue sky. The flag is a deep blue, with gold stars representing each of the member nations of the European Union. It is attached to a flag pole.
New EU Law Should Catalyze Business Efforts to Tackle Forced Labor

Financial Times: 'Letter: A climate challenge for Britain’s fashion buyers'

Financial Times
Executive Director Jason Judd has a letter in the Financial Times, where he discusses our recent Hot Air and Higher Ground research, and challenges the UK to step up and hold apparel brands and retailers accountable for harms to workers along their supply chains.
Financial Times: 'Letter: A climate challenge for Britain’s fashion buyers'

Business of Fashion: 'It’s Time for Fashion to Get Real About its Climate Risks'

The Business of Fashion News
“If you get a leading global retailer on the phone and press them on the level and quality and confidence in the [climate risk] analysis they’ve done, I think it’s not very high. That’s unnerving,” says Executive Director Jason Judd in this piece.
Black text, with "The Business of Fashion" in smaller font over "BOF" in larger, more stylized font
Business of Fashion: 'It’s Time for Fashion to Get Real About its Climate Risks'

Sourcing Journal: 'Why Fashion’s Business As Usual ‘Won’t Cut It Anymore’ in Age of Climate Breakdown'

Sourcing Journal
GLI Executive Director Jason Judd is quoted extensively in this piece highlighting our recent "Hot Air" report, where he talks about the "nerdy" nature of our research, as well as high heat, flooding and adaptation efforts.
Sourcing Journal Logo
Sourcing Journal: 'Why Fashion’s Business As Usual ‘Won’t Cut It Anymore’ in Age of Climate Breakdown'

Extreme heat puts garment factory workers at risk, study shows

Jason Judd, executive director at the Global Labor Institute, says “If a brand or retailer knows that temperatures in a production area are excessively high or doing damage to worker health, then they're obligated under this new set of rules to do something about it.”
Extreme heat puts garment factory workers at risk, study shows

EU Forced Labour Regulations: Visiting Fellow Samira Rafaela Responds to Its Passage

"“This is a proud moment for us all and a big step forward in the fight for global human rights. The Forced Labor Regulation is an ambitious, human-rights-focused law that sets a new standard in the fight against forced labor worldwide."
The European Union flag, with 12 gold stars on a deep blue background
EU Forced Labour Regulations: Visiting Fellow Samira Rafaela Responds to Its Passage

Visiting Fellow Samira Rafaela in the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal

She describes the ways this new law can be used to work to eradicate forced labor in Turkmenistan and its larger place in the new emerging global labor order.
photograph of Samira
Visiting Fellow Samira Rafaela in the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal

Brussels CSDDD Event Readout

Measuring outcomes for supply chain workers is “part and parcel of [European] competitiveness,” says MEP Lara Wolters at a recent GLI, ECCHR, and HRW event
MEP Lara Wolters stands at a lecturn with a Press Club Bussels Europe sign on it, in front of a white banner with black and blue text that says "Press Club Brussels Europe" and "Be Hear. Say it in Brussels" at an event
Brussels CSDDD Event Readout

Sourcing Journal: 'Heat Check: Searing Temps Lead to Unsafe Working Conditions in the Global South'

Sourcing Journal
“[I]n Cambodia, the law says the temperature should not be such that it affects workers’ health. That’s worse than useless because the government can point to a standard and say, ‘Well, of course, we have a legal standard'...But of course, the standard’s meaningless.”
Garmet workers sewing in a factory
Sourcing Journal: 'Heat Check: Searing Temps Lead to Unsafe Working Conditions in the Global South'

Event: Corporate Sustainability and Accountability: How is it working for labor rights?

Please join us for this event in Brussels organized by Cornell GLI, ECCHR, and Human Rights watch on due diligence and reporting requirement, like the EU CSDDD and their forced labor ban. Member of European Parliament Lara Wolters will be a part of the two expert panels.
White text saying "Corporate Sustainability and Accountability: How is it working for labor rights?" is on a red-colored image background, and black text on a white background says "October 16, 14:00 - 16:00 CEST, Brussels, Belgium." The logos of ILR Global Labor Institute, ECCHR, and Human Rights Watch are on the bottom of the image.
Event: Corporate Sustainability and Accountability: How is it working for labor rights?

GLI Executive Director Jason Judd Guests on the ‘Frankly Speaking’ Podcast

GLI Executive Director Jason Judd is on the ‘Frankly Speaking’ podcast from Frank Bold, where he discusses the just transition, GLI’s labor outcome metrics, and sheep, goats, foxes, and hedgehogs.
A red background with white text that says "Frankly speaking: A Podcast on Responsible Business" with a globe and another logo that says "Frank Bold"
GLI Executive Director Jason Judd Guests on the ‘Frankly Speaking’ Podcast

‘Freedom at Sea’ eCornell Webinar: Journalist Daniel Murphy and Jason Judd on Forced Labor in Commercial Fishing

GLI Executive Director Jason Judd and top investigative journalist Daniel Murphy headlined the eCornell ‘Freedom at Sea’ webinar on how to detect and combat forced labor in commercial fishing.
People stand on a boat on the water, with a bright light shining on them and a walkway to the docks nearby. A blue boat is in the background near to the other boat.
‘Freedom at Sea’ eCornell Webinar: Journalist Daniel Murphy and Jason Judd on Forced Labor in Commercial Fishing

Eliminating Gender-based Violence and Harassment in Global Supply Chains

We present here our analysis of processes and outcomes in year 2 of the operation of the agreement, as a prelude to a more comprehensive evaluation in 2025 when the agreement expires.
Busy factory floor with rows of sewing stations
Eliminating Gender-based Violence and Harassment in Global Supply Chains

GLI Executive Director Jason Judd Profiled in The New Statesman (UK) ‘Policy Ask’

The New Statesman
GLI executive director Jason Judd is profiled in The New Statesman (UK) ‘Policy Ask’. He talks about the UK’s Modern Slavery Act (‘Not fit for purpose’), the impact of GLI’s 2023 Higher Ground? reports, and renaming Brooklyn’s Williamsburg Bridge.
The New Statesman Logo
GLI Executive Director Jason Judd Profiled in The New Statesman (UK) ‘Policy Ask’

The Responsible Investor Podcast Discusses Our “Higher Ground?” Report

Our "Higher Ground?" report and Schroders’ Katie Frame are talked about by Responsible Investor in this podcast episode about fast fashion and investors.
The words "Responsible Investor" are written in black text on a white background, with RI in white text on a red background on the left side of the image.
The Responsible Investor Podcast Discusses Our “Higher Ground?” Report

25 Metrics to Measure Due Diligence in Global Supply Chain

Cornell ILR’s Global Labor Institute (GLI) launched its Labor Outcomes Metrics on May 29. The new set of 25 quantitative measures allows regulators, firms and unions to score, track and compare impacts over time.
Better Work Programme -  A worker in Bangladesh
25 Metrics to Measure Due Diligence in Global Supply Chain

Sourcing Journal: How Do We Measure supply Chain Due Diligence? GLI Labor Outcome Metrics

Read our Sourcing Journal summary of the new GLI Labor Outcomes Metrics.
Bangladesh Garment Workers
Sourcing Journal: How Do We Measure supply Chain Due Diligence? GLI Labor Outcome Metrics

Knowing and Showing: Using Cornell GLI’s Labor Outcome Metrics for Due Diligence

Join us online 29 May for the launch of Cornell GLI’s Labor Outcomes Metrics, a new set of 25 quantitative measures to allow regulators, firms, unions and the rest of us to score, track and compare impacts over time. Registration required.
570 Lexington Avenue
Knowing and Showing: Using Cornell GLI’s Labor Outcome Metrics for Due Diligence

GLI Announces new visiting fellow MEP Samira Rafaela

Member of the European Parliament Samira Rafaela joins the Global Labor Institute for 2024 – 2025 as a visiting fellow of the Cornell University ILR School.
Samira Rafaela
GLI Announces new visiting fellow MEP Samira Rafaela

WRI's Big Ideas Into Action Podcast with Jason Judd

Jason Judd quoted on the Voices on Supply Chains episodes on WRI's Big Ideas Into Action podcast feed.
Big Ideas Podcast
WRI's Big Ideas Into Action Podcast with Jason Judd

Employment Announcement: Global Labor Program Associate

The Global Labor Institute is hiring a research specialist in NYC who is familiar with global labor issues and is a strong researcher and writer. The successful candidate will execute research and support management of research projects for GLI. See the announcement here.
GLI Logo
Employment Announcement: Global Labor Program Associate

Inside the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Sourcing Journal
How will European regulators, corporations and the rest of us know which firms are running the highest risks?
Person at sewing machine in a large factory.
Inside the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

GLI Testimony on Trade and Labor for the US International Trade Commission, March 2024

Jason Judd shared findings from recent research and experiences on three under‐explored elements of apparel industry competitiveness: wage‐setting, labor outcomes for workers, and climate vulnerability and adaptation.
GLI Testimony on Trade and Labor for the US International Trade Commission, March 2024

GLI 2024 Conference Rolls Up Sleeves to Tackle Global Apparel Production

“The progress of science begins with this sharing of knowledge, expertise and networks, and today we are guests of the Global Labor Institute conference where these three components converge,” said Samira Rafaela at the 2024 GLI Conference on Feb. 2.
Jason Judd at GLI Conference
GLI 2024 Conference Rolls Up Sleeves to Tackle Global Apparel Production

Sarosh Kuruvilla: German News Magazine Interview

Person pushing a cart full of paper product through a factory.
Sarosh Kuruvilla: German News Magazine Interview

Event: Higher Ground? Fashion's Climate Breakdown and its Effect for Workers by the Global Labor Institute and Schroders - Organized by Columbia Threadneedle Investments

Please join us at Columbia Threadneedle Investments in London for a presentation on the Higher Ground? reports by the Global Labor Institute and Schroders. Angus Bauer (Schroders) will be joined by Jason Judd (Global Labor Institute) to present the paper, followed by a panel discussion with expert reactions.
Five people crossing polluted stream over narrow bridge.
Event: Higher Ground? Fashion's Climate Breakdown and its Effect for Workers by the Global Labor Institute and Schroders - Organized by Columbia Threadneedle Investments

Inside The Factory

Apple Podcasts
Sarosh Kuruvilla featured in the Articles of Interest Podcast. On the ten year anniversary of a horrible manufacturing disaster- a look at what has changed, what hasn’t, and the massive secret industry behind it all.
Missing alt
Inside The Factory

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