Academy Award Winner Julia Reichert Joins Dean Colvin on WORK!
In our latest episode of “WORK! Exploring the future of work, labor and employment,” Cornell ILR Dean Alex Colvin continues our “Just The Facts” mini-series by interviewing Academy Award-winning American documentary filmmaker Julia Reichert. The duo examines the weakening of the working class over the past 30 years, and the recent upturn in union activism, the rise of B Corps and the future of work.
Over the past 50 years, Reichert has produced one of the most distinguished bodies of work in American independent film, capturing stories that explore class, gender and race in America.
Her 1971 debut film, “Growing Up Female,” is considered the first feature documentary of the modern women’s movement and was recently added to the National Film Registry.
Reichert went on to produce “Union Maids” (1976) and “Seeing Red”(1984), both Oscar nominees, while the landmark four-hour “A Lion in the House” (2006) won an Emmy for Exceptional Merit in Nonfiction Filmmaking. Most recently, “American Factory,” took home the Oscar for Best Feature Documentary and also received the Best Directing Award for US Documentary at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival.
Her latest film, “9to5: The Story of a Movement,” had its festival premiere with AFI DOCS in June and has been screening with festivals ever since.
The podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music and other platforms. Visit http://work.ilr.cornell.edu for options.