Through teaching, research and outreach, ILR generates and shares knowledge to solve human problems, manage and resolve conflict, establish best practices in the workplace and inform government policy.
About ILR
How Private Equity Firms Squeeze Hospital Patients for Profits
The New Yorker
Professor Rosemary Batt and long time collaborator Eileen Appelbaum expose how the patchwork structure of the healthcare industry allows private equity firms to make money, often at patients’ expense.
ILRie combines business acumen and interest in community by replacing bourbon, gin and brandy production with sanitizer production to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
Nellie Brown, director of workplace health and safety programs, advises how to manage daily tasks and chores while sticking to social distancing measures.
As unemployment spikes across the country, many workers are getting paid less to avoid layoffs. Paul Davis explains the downsides and far-reaching impact of this trend.
Millions of dads are stuck at home — which could be a game changer for working moms
Francine Blau, who has conducted numerous studies on the gender pay gap, weighs in on the dynamics that are unfolding in households in response to the lack of childcare during the coronavirus pandemic.
Binkley-Stephenson Award from American history journal goes to an ILR faculty member whose article is the culmination of years of research on government-created communities for vulnerable workers in the 1930s and 1940s.
Workers around the country are walking off the job to protest a lack of protective equipment, safety measures, even soap. Alex Colvin shares his thoughts.
Five years after establishing a scholarship for the College of Human Ecology, Dawn Levy-Weinstein ’88 and her husband, Adam Weinstein, CHE ’88 have created a scholarship for ILR students.
Why so many people are going out and congregating in groups.
The Hill
Vanessa Bohns: Most people who defy social distancing are not doing so because they don’t care about other people. Rather, they don’t realize the influence of their actions.
COVID-19 patients should not face surprise medical bills
The Hill
Op-ed: At this time of crisis, large physician staffing firms that have been the worst offenders of surprise medical billing need to restrain themselves or be publicly shamed.
People Want More Compensation, Security For Genomic Data
Cornell Chronicle
Research co-authored by assistant professor Ifeoma Ajunwa details the results of the first nationally representative survey to consider DNA collection from both nonprofit and for-profit settings.
ILR’s Office of Career Services will help students prepare to meet with representatives of the Peace Corps, the National Labor Relations Board and more than 20 other organizations.