Inaugural ILR WIDE Student Fellows Explore Workplace DEI
ILR Workplace Inclusion & Diversity Education has named Heman Asibuo ’23 and Bella DiPalermo ’24 as the program’s inaugural student fellows.
The student fellowship program was developed by WIDE, as the DEI initiative is known, in partnership with ILR’s Office of Engaged and Experiential Programs. Its purpose is to help students learn about workplace diversity, equity and inclusion while gaining real-world experience.
The Workplace Inclusion & Diversity Education student fellowship follows a two-semester sequence, starting with a course on intergroup dialogue (ILRID 2610). The following semester, student fellows complete an ILR credit internship and take an online course on workplace inclusion (ILRID 3610), allowing fellows to reflect on and learn from each other’s on-the job experiences.
The program guides student fellows through theoretical and practical interactions with key frameworks for workplace DEI and ultimately seeks to empower students to become workplace leaders in DEI, no matter which industry they work in.
Read more about the inaugural ILR WIDE student fellows and the work they are doing this spring:

Heman Asibuo ’23
Human resources intern at BorgWarner (Ithaca, N.Y.)
What are you learning about workplace DEI through participating in the ILR WIDE Student Fellows program?
I am learning about industry specific DEI efforts and problems that I may not have been exposed to in a traditional classroom. Additionally, the course is allowing me to have a holistic view of DEI in not just the United States, but other countries.
What do you appreciate most about the ILR WIDE Student Fellows program?
The program is directly related to my experience as an intern. Topics discussed in class allow me to think deeply about the position I am filling and the potential I have to make a difference. Further, ILRID 2610 helped improve my workplace collaboration skills by exposing me to a deeper understanding of the different social identities people hold. I am better able to consciously make an effort to be receptive to ideas that are different from mine.
What advice would you give to future ILR credit interns & ILR WIDE Student Fellows?
Future credit interns should try to incorporate lessons learned from the intergroup dialogue course on intergroup communication to help them have a better experience. Additionally, interns should not shy away from asking for more work because valuable lessons could be learned from tasks that are not in your usual scope of work.

Bella DiPalermo ’24
Labor relations intern at the Walt Disney Company (Orlando, Fla.)
What are you learning about workplace DEI through participating in the ILR WIDE Student Fellows program?
I am learning that there are many aspects at play when considering DEI and it is not always as simple as it may appear, with certain industries struggling more in one area of diversity versus others. Ultimately, each organization has different strengths and weaknesses and can learn from one another, just like we do in the classroom. Experiencing this dynamic first-hand teaches me that different industries and management sectors have the potential to aid each other on the subject of DEI.
What do you appreciate most about the ILR WIDE Student Fellows program?
ILR WIDE has allowed me to experience my workplace on a deeper level, giving me the opportunity to apply the knowledge I have learned in the classroom to my own workplace. It has helped me become more reflective and conscious of my choices in the workplace. In daily life and jobs, we often find ourselves simply “going through the motions.” This course reminds me of the impact “the motions'' have.
Personally, I enjoy hearing from fellow classmates and their experiences. Our internships are all different and touch a range of industries. As a result, we gain insight into multiple ways diversity is being treated in the workplace.
What advice would you give to future ILR credit interns and ILR WIDE student fellows?
Don’t be afraid to put into practice what you learn in the classroom. Embrace the opportunity to gain a new perspective and to challenge yourself in a unique role. Finally, understand that the work you do and the knowledge you learn can have an impact on both the company and your own future within the realm of diversity, equity and inclusion.
The ILR WIDE Student Fellows Program is made possible through the generosity of Tim Wentworth '82 and Robin Wentworth.