Pietro Manzella

Pietro Manzella

Pietro Manzella

Country of origin: Italy Visiting period: March - May 2014 Faculty sponsor: Sarosh Kuruvilla, Ph.D. Email: pm539@cornell.edu

Background & Previous Experience

Pietro Manzella is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Marco Biagi Department of Economics, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and Senior Research Fellow at the Association for International and Comparative Studies in the Field of Labor Law and Industrial Relations (ADAPT, www.adapt.it).

Manzella is also language editor of the E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, the ADAPT Labour Studies Book-Series and the Italian journal Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali. He is currently pursuing research in the role of language in the disciplines of Labor Law and Industrial Relations. Translation and terminology issues in comparing and contrasting different labor practices and institutions are the main focus of his research, in addition to the role of English as a lingua franca. Manzella argues for the development of an innovative strand of research, the Linguistics of Labor Law and Industrial Relations, in order to further analyze the language challenge in labor law and IR discourse.

Current Research at ILR

As a Visiting Fellow at the ILR School, Manzella's research will focus on linguistic issues arising from misleading translations in comparative analysis involving labor practices and concepts. His research interests include comparative labor law and industrial relations, translation studies, cross-cultural communication, linguistics, language and the law.

Pietro Manzella