Jenny Chan

Jenny Chan

Jenny Chan

Human Ecology '19

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

Oakland Gardens, NY

Work Highlights
  • Reviewed and identified progress, gaps, and potential suggestions for implementing the 2010 New York State Childhood Task Force on the Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning recommendations through new State legislation
  • Researched various childhood lead poisoning prevention initiatives in both New York State and Erie County to inform a current task force tackling this issue
  • Traveled to Rochester, NY, where she presented her research to the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning and local stakeholders
  • Staffed the Racial Equity Roundtable, an initiative of the Community Foundation that includes more than 30 community leaders from public, private, nonprofits and faith institutions convened to advance racial equity and promote the change required to accelerate a shared regional prosperity
In their words

"This summer indisputably reaffirmed my interest in the domain of health – innumerable lead ordinances and their nuances emboldened in my mind throughout the weeks. Assessing the progress made on implementing and overseeing the 2010 Task Force on the Prevention of Child Lead Poisoning’s recommendations and identifying the most promising steps moving forward for local coalitions and statewide efforts to fulfill the ultimate objective of Gov. Paterson's Executive Order: the eradication of childhood lead poisoning in the State of New York, I have had the wonderful opportunity to eagerly use the skills that I have adoringly learned in the classroom as a Policy Analysis and Management Major and truly apply them in reality. I am thrilled for the future of Buffalo. I am grateful for all the people that I have met here, including those who I have lived with and those who I have engaged with on this unimaginable eight week voyage. I am inspired by their passion and their no nonsense approach to asinine apathy and I am excited for their futures that simply reek of the incredible."


"Jenny was an amazing addition to the Community Foundation and allowed us to assist on projects and deepen partnerships that we would not have had the capacity to do otherwise. During her appointment, she updated two NYS reports from Gov. Patterson’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Task Force and added a series of policy and agency recommendations for the State to consider. These recommendations are being reviewed by Lead Poisoning Coalitions across New York State."

Allie Urbanski,

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo