- Led classes for BCAT’s Youth Arts and Adult Workforce Programs in collaboration with teaching artists
- Participated in the Youth-led Participatory Action Research program to actively engage Buffalo youth of color in research on social determinants of health equity to make recommendations to Buffalo’s citywide strategy and programmatic efforts to improve education and wellness outcomes
- Conducted research on employment and workforce development of minorities in Buffalo using demographic data of BCAT alumni and compiled a report on the feasibility of BCAT’s programs
- Compiled database of foundations and grants to pursue funding for the Youth Media Institute program
"This summer, I got to see many sides of Buffalo as a city that is growing. On one hand, I got to see the many issues that it still faces, but on the other hand I also got to see and work closely with local movements and efforts fighting for change. Friday discussions were amazing because they allowed me to meet community leaders actively fighting for change. This has helped me gain a lot of insight and experience in working in the social sector as a possible career path. I think community engaged service learning provided me with a very unique experience of working directly within the community and with the people who are directly affected by the issues you’re dealing with."
"Cuong did a great job at managing his time, keeping professional boundaries with the youth (some of which were in his peer group!), being inquisitive about our model, and learning as much as he could from the experience. Being a small organization, we tend to lean on each other for a lot, he fit right into the culture of helping and asking for help when needed. Cuong was amazingly empathetic and involved when it came to our youth."
Whittney Smith, Youth Support Coordinator,
Buffalo Center for Arts and Technology