People at ILR

Tae Youn Park
people / faculty

Tae Youn Park

Associate Professor
Human Resource Studies


Tae-Youn Park (Ph.D., University of Minnesota) is the Associate Professor of Human Resource Studies in the ILR School, Cornell University. Tae-Youn’s research examines how employment policies and practices, such as compensation, parental leave, and employee turnover and retention, affect both employers and employees. His work has been published in many influential journals across disciplines, including Academy of Management Journal, Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Applied Psychology, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He currently serves on the editorial board of Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology, and Compensation and Benefit Review. Before joining the ILR School, Tae-Youn was a Brownlee O. Currey Jr. Dean’s Faculty Fellow, assistant professor of Management in the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University. He taught three MBA courses and won a dean’s research productivity award in 2015 at Vanderbilt.


Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Tae Youn Park, Reed Eaglesham, Jason D Shaw, Mary Diane Burton. 2022. Beyond Productivity: Incentive Effects on Alternative Outcomes. in Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022. Michael Buckley, Jonathan Halbesleben, Anthony Wheeler. (Accepted)
  • Tae Youn Park, Jason D Shaw. 2017. Compensation Systems and Practices in Asia. in Routledge Handbook of Asian Human Resource Management. New York, NY: Routledge, 2017. Cooke, Fang Lee; Kim, Sunghoon. (201--221)
  • Samantha A. Conroy, Nina Gupta, Jason D. Shaw, Tae Youn Park. 2014. A multilevel approach to the effects of pay variation. 2014. (1--64)


133 Statler Dr -- 163 Ives Hall Faculty Wing