People at ILR

Sean Fath
people / faculty

Sean Fath

Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior


Sean Fath is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at Cornell's ILR School. Sean’s research interests include managerial decision making, bias reduction in social evaluations, and perceptions of social and organizational hierarchy. His research has been published in Psychological Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, The Academy of Management Journal, The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Behavioral Science & Policy, MIT Sloan Management Review, Harvard Business Review, and Anxiety, Stress, & Coping.

Before coming to Cornell, Sean received his Ph.D. in Management and Organizations from Duke University.

Teaching Statement

Courses Offered:
Understanding and Improving Decision Making (ILROB 3240)
Understanding and Improving Decision Making (ILROB 5285)
Judgment and Decision Making (ILROB 7245)


Journal Articles

  • Sean Fath, Devon Proudfoot. 2024. Devaluation by omission: Limited identity options elicit anger and increase identification, Psychological Science . (DOI:10.1177/095679762312234)
  • Sean Fath. 2023. When blind hiring advances DEI -- and when it doesn't, Harvard Business Review .
  • Sean Fath, Richard P Larrick, Jack B Soll. 2023. Encouraging self-blinding in hiring, Behavioral Science and Policy . 9(1):45-57.
  • Sean Fath, Richard P Larrick, Jack B Soll. 2022. Blinding curiosity: Exploring preferences for "blinding" one's own judgment., Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes . 170:104135.
  • Sean Fath, Anyi Ma, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette. 2022. Self-views of disadvantage and success impact perceptions of privilege among White men, Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes . 169:104114.
  • James G Matusik, Rebecca L Mitchell, Nicholas A Hays, Sean Fath, John R Hollenbeck. 2022. The highs and lows of hierarchy in multiteam systems, Academy of Management Journal . 65(5):1571-1592.
  • Anyi Ma, Sean Fath, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette. 2022. People can learn to recognize their racial privilege, Harvard Business Review .
  • Sean Fath, Richard P Larrick, Jack B Soll, Susan Zhu. 2021. Why putting on blinders can help us see more clearly , Sloan Management Review . 62(4):38-45.
  • Devon Proudfoot, Sean Fath. 2020. Signaling Creative Genius: How Perceived Social Connectedness Influences Judgments of Creative Potential, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin . (DOI:10.1177/0146167220936061)
  • Sean Fath, Aaron C Kay. 2018. "If hierarchical, then corrupt": Exploring people's tendency to associate hierarchy with corruption in organizations., Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes . 149:145-164.
  • Sean Fath, Devon Proudfoot, Aaron C Kay. 2017. Effective to a fault: Organizational structure predicts attitudes toward minority organizations., Journal of Experimental Social Psychology . 73:290-297.
  • Alia J Crum, Modupe Akinola, Ashley Martin, Sean Fath. 2017. The role of stress mindset in shaping cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses to challenging and threatening stress., Anxiety, Stress, & Coping . 30(4):379-395.


133 Statler Dr -- 394 Ives Hall Faculty Wing