Nick Salvatore

Ives Hall, Room 369
Ithaca, NY 14950
United States
Nick Salvatore is the Maurice and Hinda Neufeld Founders Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Professor of American Studies at Cornell University. He did his graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley and came to Cornell in 1981. He is the author of Eugene V. Debs: Citizen and Socialist (1982), which received the Bancroft Prize in History and the John H. Dunning Prize, and We All Got History: The Memory Books of Amos Webber (1996), which received the New England History Association's Outstanding Book Prize. His third biography, Singing in a Strange Land: C. L. Franklin, the Black Church, and the Transformation of America (2005) examines the life of one of the most influential preachers of his generation in the Afro-Baptist tradition. He teaches course in nineteenth- and twentieth century American history.
Journal Articles
- Nick Salvatore. (2015). "Theodore Roosevelt, the Corporations, and American Democracy. Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal, XXXV, 1&2, 52-59.
- Nick Salvatore. (2014). "Religion and the Biographical Turn". Religion and American Culture, 24(1), 14-21.
- Nick Salvatore. (2014). "Chattanooga and the UAW". firstofthemonth (on-line), none(none), on-line.
- Nick Salvatore. (2012). A Brief Ascendency: American Labor After 1945. The Forum, 10(1), 1-24.
- Nick Salvatore. (2008). Faith, Politics, and American Culture. Journal of American Studies, 42(1), 133-139.
- Nick Salvatore, & Jefferson Cowie. (2008). The Long Exception: Rethinking the Place of the New Deal in American History. International Labor and Working-Class History, 74(1), 3-32.
- Nick Salvatore. (2006). America Reborn? Conservatives, Liberals, and American Political Culture Since 1945. Transatlantica.
- Nick Salvatore. (2004). Biography and Social History: An Intimate Relationship. Labour History (Australia), 87, 187-192.
- Nick Salvatore. (1999). Diventare storico negli anni Sessanta. Riflessioni personali (Becoming an Historian in the 1960's: Personal Reflections). Acoma, 15, 35-44.
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). Herbert Gutman's Narrative of the American Working Class: A Reevaluation. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 12(1), 43-80.
- Nick Salvatore. (1992). The Decline of Labor. Dissent.
- Nick Salvatore. (1991). Larry Rogin. Labor Studies Journal, 16(1), 26-29.
- Nick Salvatore. (1991). Two Tales of a City: Nineteenth Century Black Philadelphia. Dissent, 227-235.
- Nick Salvatore. (1991). Teamster Democracy: A Moment of Possibility. New Politics, III(2), 93-102.
- Nick Salvatore. (1990). Conflicts In a Progressive Union. Dissent, 267-271.
- Nick Salvatore. (1989). 'Lest We Forget': The Paintings of Ralph Fasanella. Labor's Heritage, I(4), 24-31.
- Nick Salvatore. (1987). Workers, Racism and History: A Response. New Politics, I, 22-26.
- Nick Salvatore. (1986). Talkin' Union: Gompers Among the Scholars. The New York Times Book Review.
- Nick Salvatore. (1984). Response to Sean Wilentz, 'Against Exceptionalism'. International Labor and Working-Class History, 26, 25-30.
- Nick Salvatore, & Ann Sullivan. (1982). From Bastard to American: The Legitimization of a Fictional Family. Radical History Review, 26, 141-150.
- Nick Salvatore. (1980). Americans as Radicals. Radical History Review, 24, 142-152.
- Nick Salvatore. (1980). Railroad Workers and the Great Strike of 1877: The View from a Small Midwestern City. Labor History, 21, 522-545.
- Nick Salvatore. (1979). Marcus Garvey and His Back-to-Africa Movement. Harvard Divinity Bulletin, 9, 6-8.
Book Chapters
- Nick Salvatore. (2013). "Trade Unionism in the U.S.: The Policy and heritage of the New Deal". In Immigration Et Travail Aux Etats-Unis. (pp. 239-258). L'Harmattan.
- Nick Salvatore. (2008). Technology, Economic Growth, and the State: American Political Culture and Economy, 1870-2000. In Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yonetim (Knowledge, Economy and Management). (pp. 49-62).
- Nick Salvatore. (2007). Deeply Within: Catholicism, Faith, and History. In Faith and the Historian: Catholic Perspectives. (pp. 98-116). University of Illinois Press.
- Nick Salvatore. (2000). Gli Stati Uniti alla testa dell’economia mondiale (The United States at the Head of the World Economy). In Storia Dell’Economia Mondiale. (pp. 319-337). Editori Laterza.
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). American Labor History. In Industrial Relations at the Dawn of the New Millennium. (pp. 114-125).
- Nick Salvatore. (1988). Some Thoughts on Class and Citizenship. In A l'ombre de la Statute de la Liberté: Immigrants et Ouviers dans la Republique Americaine, 1880-1920. (pp. 215-230).
- Nick Salvatore. (1987). Eugene V. Debs. In Labor Leaders in Industrial America. University of Illinois Press.
- Nick Salvatore. (1985). Ralph Fasanella: Worker, Activist, Artist. In Urban Visions: The Paintings of Ralph Fasanella. Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University.
Book Reviews
- Nick Salvatore. (2012). "The New New Deal".
- Nick Salvatore. (2010). Lift Every Voice, by Burton Peretti.
- Nick Salvatore. (2008). Review of 'Faith in the City: Preaching Radical Social Change in Detroit' by Angela D Dillard.
- Nick Salvatore. (2004). Review of 'Rising From the Rails: Pullman Porters and the Making of the Black Middle Class' by Larry Tye.
- Nick Salvatore. (2003). Review of 'Whose Detroit? Labor and Race in a Modern American City' by Heather Thompson.
- Nick Salvatore. (2003). Review of 'Motown: Music, Money, Sex, and Power' by Gerald Posner.
- Nick Salvatore. (2001). Review of 'AlabamaNorth: African-American Migrants, Community, and Working-Class Activism in Cleveland, 1915-45' by Kimberley Phillips.
- Nick Salvatore. (2000). Review of 'American Work: Four Centuries of Black and White Labor' by Jacqueline Jones.
- Nick Salvatore. (2000). Review of 'Working-Class New York: Life and Labor Since World War II' by Joshua B Freeman.
- Nick Salvatore. (1999). Review of 'The Trial of Anthony Burns: Freedom and Slavery in Emerson’s Boston' by Albert J von Frank.
- Nick Salvatore. (1999). Review of 'Harp Song For a Radical: The Life of Eugene V. Debs' by Marguarite Young.
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). Review of 'Epitaph for American Labor' by Max Green.
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). Review of 'Meatpackers: An Oral History of Black Packinghouse Workers and Their Struggle for Racial and Economic Equality' by Rick Halpern and Roger Horowitz.
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). Review of 'Big Trouble: A Murder in a Small Town Sets Off a Struggle for the Soul of America' by J Anthony Lucas.
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). Review of 'The Black O: Racism and Redemption in an American Corporate Empire' by Steve Watkins.
- Nick Salvatore. (1997). You Say You Want a Revolution? (review of 'The Other Side of the Sixties: Young Americans for Freedom and the Rise of Conservative Politics' by John A. Collins).
- Nick Salvatore. (1996). Review of 'Direct Action: Radical Pacifism From the Union Eight to the Chicago Seven' by James Tracy.
- Nick Salvatore. (1996). Review of 'The CIO, 1935-1955' by Robert H Zieger.
- Nick Salvatore. (1996). Review of 'The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit: Walter Reuther and the Fate of American Labor' by Nelson Lichtenstein.
- Nick Salvatore. (1995). Review of 'Citizen Worker: The Experience of Workers in the United States with Democracy and the Free Market during the Nineteenth Century' by David Montgomery.
- Nick Salvatore. (1995). Review of 'The State and Labor in Modern America' by Melvyn Dubofsky.
- Nick Salvatore. (1995). Review of 'What Went Wrong? The Creation and Collapse of the Black-Jewish Alliance' by Murray Friedman.
- Nick Salvatore. (1995). Review of 'William Johnson’s Natchez: The Ante-Bellum Diary of a Free Negro' edited by William Ranson Hogan and Edwin Adams Davis.
- Nick Salvatore. (1994). Review of 'From Prairie to Prison: The Life of Social Activist Kate Richards O'Hare' by Sally M Miller.
- Nick Salvatore. (1994). Review of 'Icons of Democracy: Leaders as Heroes, Aristocrats, Dissenters and Democrats' by Bruce Miroff.
- Nick Salvatore. (1994). Review of 'Labor Visions and State Power: The Origins of Business Unionism in the United States' by Victoria Hattam.
- Nick Salvatore. (1994). Review of 'Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America' by Joel Kovel.
- Nick Salvatore. (1993). Review of 'The Rise and Fall of the American Left' by John Patrick Diggins.
- Nick Salvatore. (1993). Review of 'For Democracy, Workers, and God: Labor Song-Poems and Labor Protest, 1865-95' by Clark D Halker.
- Nick Salvatore. (1992). Review of 'The River Ran Red' edited by David P. Demarest, Jr. and Fannia Weingartner and 'The Battle For Homestead, 1880-1892: Politics, Culture, and Steel' by Paul Krause.
- Nick Salvatore. (1992). Review of 'Harold Washington and the Neighborhoods: Progressive City Government in Chicago, 1983-1987' edited by Pierre Clavel and Wim Wiewel.
- Nick Salvatore. (1992). Review of 'Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939' by Lizabeth Cohen.
- Nick Salvatore. (1991). Review of 'Sacco and Vanzetti: The Anarchist Background' by Paul Avrich.
- Nick Salvatore. (1990). Review of 'Perspectives on American Labor History: The Problem of Synthesis' edited by J. Carroll Moody and Alice Kessler-Harris.
- Nick Salvatore. (1989). Review of 'Let Them Call Me Rebel: Saul Alinsky - His Life and Legacy' by Sanford D Horwitt.
- Nick Salvatore. (1989). Review of '"Big Bill" Haywood' by Melvyn Dubofsky.
- Nick Salvatore. (1988). Review of 'Socialism in the Heartland: The Midwestern Experience, 1900-1925' edited by Donald T Critchlow.
- Nick Salvatore. (1987). Review of 'St. Clair: A Nineteenth Century Coal Town's Experience With a Disaster-Prone Industry' by Anthony F.C. Wallace.
- Nick Salvatore. (1987). Review of 'Essays from the Lowell Conference on Industrial History, 1980-1981' edited by Robert Weible et al..
- Nick Salvatore. (1986). Review of 'Paths of Resistance: Tradition and Dignity in Industrializing Missouri' by David Thelen.
- Nick Salvatore. (1986). Review of 'Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law' by James B Atleson.
- Nick Salvatore. (1986). Review of 'The First Hundred Years of the Bureau of Labor Statistics' by Joseph P. Goldberg and William T. Moye.
- Nick Salvatore. (1985). Review of 'The Haymarket Tragedy' by Paul Avrich.
- Nick Salvatore. (1985). Review of 'The Haymarket Tragedy' by Paul Avrich.
- Nick Salvatore. (1984). Review of 'Emma Goldman: An Intimate Life' by Alice Wexler.
- Nick Salvatore. (1984). Review of 'Kate Richards O’Hare: Selected Writings and Speeches' edited by Philip Foner and Sally Miller.
- Nick Salvatore. (1984). Review of 'Committee of Vigilance: The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Law and Order Committee, 1916-1919' by Steven C Levi.
- Nick Salvatore. (1983). Review of 'Self-Help in the 1890s Depression' by H Roger Grant.
- Nick Salvatore. (1982). Review of 'Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management' by Daniel Nelson.
- Nick Salvatore. (1975). Review of 'Failure of a Dream?' edited by John Laslett and Seymour M. Lipset.
- Nick Salvatore. (2007). Faith and The Historian: Catholic Perspectives (editor). University of Illinois Press.
- Nick Salvatore. (2005). Singing in a Strange Land: C. L. Franklin, the Black Church, and the Transformation of America. Little, Brown and Company.
- Nick Salvatore. (1999). The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890's: Essays on Labor and Politics (co-editor). University of Illinois Press.
- Nick Salvatore. (1996). We All Got History: The Memory Books of Amos Webber. Times Books/Random House.
- Nick Salvatore, & Samuel Gompers. (1984). Seventy Years of Life and Labor (editor). ILR Press.
- Nick Salvatore. (1982). Eugene V. Debs: Citizen and Socialist. University of Illinois Press.
Book Sections
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). Eugene V. Debs.
- Nick Salvatore. (1998). Samuel Gompers.
- Nick Salvatore. (1991). "Eugene V. Debs" and "Samuel Gompers".
Conference Proceedings
- Nick Salvatore, & David Lewin. (1986). Notes on the Roundtable: Theories of Labor History and Industrial Relations.
Professional activities
- "Eugene Debs and American Democracy". Presented to University of North Texas. Denton, TX. 2024.
- "TR, The Corporations, and American Democracy". Presented to T. Roosevelt Association. Buffalo, NY. 2024.
- "Eugene Debs, World War I, and American Democracy". Presented to Ecole Normale Superior & Cite' Universite Internationale de Paris. Paris, France. 2024.
- Faculty Panel Discussion. Presented to In Honor of Inauguration of President Garrett. Baily Hall, Cornell. 2015.
- The Scholarshop of Prof. Clarence Walker. Presented to Same. Raleigh, NC. 2015.
- Becoming An Historian. Presented to UC, Davis History Department. Davis, CA. 2015.
- C. L. Franklin: Preacher, Pastor, Teacher. Presented to Baptist Convention, Detroit Chapter. Dearbprne, MI. 2015.
- "A Critique". Presented to ILR COLA and Cornell Progressives. Cornell University. 2014.
- "Money and Politics: An Odd Couple," "The Issues in the Campaing," "Predictions". Presented to Cornell Adult University. Lake Mohonk, NY. 2014.
- "Religious Lives, Religious Subjects: Biography and American Religious History". Presented to American Historical Association. New orleans, LA. 2013.
- Gave three lectures. Presented to Cornell Adult University. New Paltz, NY. 2012.
- "Debs, Dissent, the Corporation, and American Democracy". Presented to Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library. Staunton, VA. 2012.
- "The Elections of 1912 and 2012: Some Thoughts". Presented to James madison Program/Dept. of Political Science, Princeton University. Princeton, NJ. 2012.
- "A Brief Ascendency: American Labor After 1945". Presented to U. of Oregon Labor Education & Research center, History, Wayne Morse Center for law and Politics. Eugene, OR. 2012.
- "Progressives, the Corporation, and American Democracy". Presented to U, of Oregon History, Labor Education & Research Center, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics. Eugene, Oregon. 2012.
- "Activism: Mind and Heart". Presented to CU Public Service Center. Cornell. 2012.
- "Leadership in the Community". Presented to Village at Ithaca. Ithaca, NY. 2012.
- "Singing in a Strange Land: The Politics and Theology of C. L. Franklin's Preaching". Presented to Center for African American Urban Studies and the Economy. Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh. 2011.
- "The United States in the 21st century: Changing Conditions at Home and Abroad". Presented to Universities of Istanbul and Sarajevo. Sarajevo, Bosnia. 2011.
- discussion. Presented to ILR. Cornell. 2011.
- discussion & dinner. Presented to ILR. Cornell. 2011.
- "Social Justice, Community, and Living Your Life". Cornell. 2011.
- "Writing Eugene V. Debs". Presented to School of Journalism, NYU. NY, NY. 2011.
- Religion and American Politics after 1945". Presented to Dept. of History, U. of Victoria/Univ of BC. Parksville, BC. 2011.
- Biography & History: An Intimate Relationship. Presented to University of Victoria,. BC. 2011.
- The Long Exception. Presented to Univ. of Victoria History Department. Victoria, BC. 2011.
- The Long Exception. Presented to ILR. ILR. 2010.
- The "Righteous Discontent" of 3 Courageous Women. Presented to Same. Lansing, NY. 2010.
- Biography and History. Presented to Cornell Hughes Leadership Alliance. Cornell University. 2010.
- American Labor, Politics, and Legacy of New Deal. Presented to Instut Charles V, Paris. Paris, France. 2010.
- "The Constraints of History: Obama, the New Deal, and American History". Presented to Institute for Workplace Studies, ILR. New York City. 2010.
- "Black History Month? Post-racial America? A Discussion.". Presented to Becker House. Cornell University. 2010.
- "The Long Exception: An Interpretation of the New Deal from FDR to Obama". Presented to History department, Pronceton University. Princeton, NJ. 2009.
- "Night of the Living Dead" & Pop Culture. Presented to Sheldon Court Residence, Cornell. Ithaca, NY. 2009.
- 4 lectures on history and politics of region. Presented to Cornell Adult University. The Great Lakes. 2009.
- "The Great Depression and the Current Crisis: Some Initial Thoughts". Presented to Istanbul University. Istanbul, Turkey. 2009.