Paul Velleman
People/Emeriti faculty
Professor Emeritus
Social Statistics

Journal Articles
- Paul Velleman. (2025). Data Desk. WIRES.
- Paul Velleman. (2025). DataDesk: an interactive package for data exploration, display, model building, and data analysis. WIREs Comput Stat. (DOI:10.1002/wics.1208)
- Paul Velleman, & Hoaglin David. (2025). Exploratory Data Analysis. APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology.
- Gloria, M.D. Gogola, Paul Velleman, Shuai Xu, Andrianne Morse, Barbara Lacy, & Dorit Aaron. (2025). Hand Dexterity in Children: Administration and Normative Values of the Functional Dexterity Test (FDT). Journal of Hand Surgery.
- Paul Velleman. (2025). Let's all Write and Teach with e-Books!. TEchnology Innovations in Statistics Education.
- Jason, M.D. Sullivan, Randi, M.D. Bindra, Cari, M.D. Cordell, William, M.D. Lanzinger, Michael, M.D. Bednar, Terry, M.D. Light, & Paul Velleman. (2025). Radiographic detection of long screw placement durin volar plating of the distal radius. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.
- Paul Velleman. (2008). Truth, Damn Truth, and Statistics. Journal of Statistics Education, 16(2).
- Howard Wainer, & Paul Velleman. (2001). Statistical Graphics: Mapping the Pathways of Science. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 305-?.
- Paul Velleman, Nedret Billor, & Ali Hadi. (2000). Blocked Adaptive Computationally-efficient Outlier Nomination. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 34, 279-298.
- Paul Velleman, & David Moore. (2000). Design Principles for technology-based statistics education. Metrika, 51(1), 91-104.
- Paul Velleman. (1997). Discussion of Hand’s article on scale types. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
- Paul Velleman, & David S Moore. (1996). Multimedia for Teaching Statistics: Promises and Pitfalls. The American Statistician, 50(3), 217-225.
- David C Hoaglin, & Paul Velleman. (1995). A Critical Look at Some Analyses of Major League Baseball Salaries. The American Statistician, 49(3), 277-285.
- Paul Velleman, & Warren Sarle. (1994). A Debate on Scale Types. Statistical Consultant Newsletter.
- Daniel L Solomon, Tim Arnold, Bruce E Trumbo, & Paul Velleman. (1994). Electronic Publications in Statistics - Ready or Not, Here They Come. The American Statistician, 48(3), 191-196.
- Paul Velleman, & Leland Wilkinson. (1993). Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio Typologies are Misleading; Response. The American Statistician, 47(4), 315-316.
- Paul Velleman, & Leland Wilkinson. (1993). Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio Typologies are Misleading. The American Statistician, 47(1), 65-72.
- Paul Velleman. (1993). Measurement Theory: Fallacies and Transformations. The Statistical Consultant, 10(3).
- Paul Velleman, & David Hoaglin. (1992). Data Analysis. Perspectives on Contemporary Statistics, 21, 19-39.
- Paul Velleman, & Ronald Thisted. (1992). Teaching Statistics with Computers. Perspectives on Contemporary Statistics, 21.
- Paul Velleman, & Paul Pratt. (1989). A Graphical Interface for Data Analysis. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 32, 223-228.
- Paul Velleman, & Ali S Hadi. (1987). Discussion of "Diagnosing Near Collinearities in Least Squares Regression" by G W Stewart. Statistical Science, 2(1), 93-98.
- Paul Velleman. (1986). Discussion of "Influential Observations, High Leverage Points, and Outliers in Linear Regression" by S. Chatterjee and A. Hadi. Statistical Science, 1, 412-413.
- Paul Velleman, & Iain Johnstone. (1985). Efficient Scores, Variance Decompositions, and Monte Carlo Swindles. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 80, 851-862.
- Paul Velleman, & Iain Johnstone. (1985). The Resistant Line and Related Regression Methods. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 80, 1041–1054.
- Paul Velleman, Howard Aldrich, John Cater, Trevor Jones, & David McEvoy. (1985). Ethnic Residential Concentration and the Protected Market Hypothesis. Social Forces, 63(4), 996-1009.
- Paul Velleman. (1985). Comment on 'More Intelligent Statistical Software and Statistical Expert Systems: Future Directions'. The American Statistician, 39, 10-11.
- Richard M Heiberger, Paul Velleman, & M Agelia Ypelaar. (1983). Generating Test Data with Independently Controllable Features for Multivariate General Linear Forms. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 78(383), 585-595.
- Paul Velleman. (1982). Applied Nonlinear Data Smoothing. Sociological Methodology, 13, 141-177.
- Paul Velleman, & Harold Henderson. (1982). Interactive Regression Modeling: Response. Biometrics, 38, 513-516.
- Paul Velleman, & Roy E Welsch. (1981). Efficient Computing of Regression Diagnostics. The American Statistician, 35(4), 234-242.
- Paul Velleman, & Harold Henderson. (1981). Building Multiple Regression Models Interactively. Biometrics, 37, 391-411.
- Paul Velleman, & M Agelia Ypelaar. (1980). Constructing Regressions with controlled Features: A Method of Probing Robust Regression Performance. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 75(372), 839-844.
- Paul Velleman. (1980). Definition and Comparison of Robust Nonlinear Data Smoothing Algorithms. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 75, 609-615.
- Paul Velleman, & Roy Welsch. (1976). On Evaluating Interactive Statistical Program Packages. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 5(4), 197-205.
- Paul Velleman, Ivor Francis, & Richard M Heiberger. (1975). Criteria and Considerations in the Evaluation of Statistical Program Packages. The American Statistician, 29, 52-56.
- Paul Velleman. (1974). Project IMPRESS, Several Perspectives: Interactive Computing and Data Analysis. Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation, 6, 248-253.
Book Chapters
- Paul Velleman, & David C Hoaglin. (2025). Exploratory Data Analysis. In APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Vol 3. Data Analysis and Research Publication. (pp. 51-70). American Psychological Association.
- Paul Velleman, & Hoaglin David. (2025). Exploratory Data Analysis. In APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology. American Psychological Association.
- Paul Velleman, & Howard Wainer. (2006). Statistical Graphics: A guidepost for scientific discovery. In Complementary Research Methods. (pp. 503-519).
- Paul Velleman, & David Bock. (2006). Why Variances add - and Why it Matters. In Thinking and Reasoning with Data and Chance. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Paul Velleman. (1998). The Philosophical Past and The Digital Future of Data Analysis: 375 years of Philosophical Guidance for Software Design. In The Practice of Data Analysis, Essays in Honor of John W. Tukey. (pp. 317-337). Princeton University Press.
- Paul Velleman, & David P Williamson. (1983). Using Exploratory Data Analysis to Monitor Socioeconomic Data Quality in Developing Countries. In Statistical Methods and the Improvement of Data Quality. (pp. 177-192). Academic Press.
- David Bock, Tom Mariani, Bill Craine, Paul Velleman, & Richard DeVeauz. (2015). Stats in Your World. Pearson Education.
- Paul Velleman, David Bock, Tom Mariani, Bill Craine, & Richard De Veaux. (2015). Stats in Your World. Pearson.
- Paul Velleman, Richard De Veaux, & David Bock. (2015). Stats:Data and Models 4th edition. Pearson.
- Norean Sharpe, Richard DeVeaux, & Paul Velleman. (2013). Business Statistics: A First Course. Pearson.
- Richard DeVeaux, Paul Velleman, & David Bock. (2013). Stats:Data and Models, 3rd edition. Pearson.
- Norean Sharpe, Richard DeVeaux, & Paul Velleman. (2011). Business Statistics, A First Course. Addison-Wesley.
- Sharpe Norean, De Veaux Richard , & Paul Velleman. (2010). Business Statistics, 2nd ed. Addison Wesley.
- De Veaux Ricahard , Paul Velleman, & Bock David. (2010). Intro Stats. Addison Wesley.
- De Veaux Richard , Paul Velleman, & Bock David. (2010). STATS; Data and Models. Addison Wesley.
- Richard DeVeaux, Paul Velleman, & David Bock. (2009). Intro Stats, 3rd Edition. Addison-Wesley.
- Richard DeVeaux, Paul Velleman, & David Bock. (2008). Stats: Data and Models, 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley.
- Paul Velleman. (1997). Learning Data Analysis with Data Desk. Addison Wesley.
Conference Proceedings
- Paul Velleman, John Nash, & Richard Goldstein. (1999). Shake, rattle and roll: some perturbation tools for analysis of regression data.
- Paul Velleman, Matthew Hutcheson, Michael Meyer, & John Walker. (1996). DASL, The Data And Story Library; An Online Resource for Teaching Statistics.
- Paul Velleman. (1991). Serendipitous Data and Future Statistical Software.
- Paul Velleman, & Ali Hadi. (1990). The Kodiak Island Crab Fishery: A Graphical and Analytical Data Analysis.
- Paul Velleman. (1982). Tukey’s Resistant Line and Related Methods: Asymptotics and Algorithms.
- Paul Velleman, R F Kohm, & T A Ryan. (1977). Index of Available Statistical Software.
- Paul Velleman. (1977). Robust Non-linear Data Smoothers: Definition and Recommendations.
- Paul Velleman. (1976). Simulation Methods for Testing Non-Linear Data Smoothing Algorithms.
- Paul Velleman, & I Elaine Allen. (1976). The Performance of Package Regression Routines Under Stress: A Preliminary Trial of a Regression Evaluation Method.
- Paul Velleman, & Ivor Francis. (1975). Straining Regressions.
- Paul Velleman. (1973). Interactive Computing for Exploratory Data Analysis I: Display Algorithms.
Book Reviews
- Paul Velleman. (1999). Review of 'Information Graphics' by Robert L Harris.
- Paul Velleman. (1998). Review of 'The Practice of Data Analysis, Essays in Honor of John W. Tukey' edited by D R Brillinger, L T Fernholz, and S Morgenthaler.
- Paul Velleman. (1991). Review of 'Computation for the Analysis of Designed Experiments' by Richard M Heiberger.
- Paul Velleman. (1984). Review of 'Residuals and Influence in Regression' by R Dennis Cook and Sanford Weisberg.
- Paul Velleman. (1981). Review of 'Monte Carlo Studies on Robustness' by Alfredo Rizzi.
- Paul Velleman. (1981). Review of 'Proceedings of the Computer Science and Statistics: 12th Annual Symposium on the Interface' by Jane F Gentleman.
Instructor's Manuals
- Paul Velleman. (1997). Data Desk Handbook, Statistics Guide, Reference Guide, and Quickstart Guide.
- Paul Velleman, & David Hoaglin. (1981). Applications, Basics, and Computing of Exploratory Data Analysis. Duxbury Press.
- Paul Velleman, & Thomas E Kurtz. (1976). LEDA and The SWAN. Kiewit Computation Center.
Book Sections
- Paul Velleman. (1971). MECCA Users Manual.
Professional activities
- A tablet-based interface for statistics. Presented to ASA. Montreal. 2013.
- Truth, Damn Truth, and Teaching Statistics. Presented to California Mathematics Conference. Monterrey, CA. 2009.
- Statistics is not a Spectator Sport. Ontario, Canada. 2009.
Honors and Awards
- MacIntyre Award for Exemplary Teaching, ILR. 2025
- Golden Key Honorary Membership, Golden Key. 2025
- EDUCOM Medal for innovation in College Mathematics, EDUCOM/ EDUCAUSE. 2025
- Innovation in Using Technology in College Mathematics, ICTCM. 2025
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. 2025
- Fellow, American Statistical Association. 2025
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