Professor David B. Lipsky ’61, a renowned conflict resolution, negotiation and collective bargaining scholar, a former dean of the ILR School and the founding director of the Scheinman Institute, died Jan. 17 in Ithaca. He was 83.
Lipsky was professor emeritus of industrial and labor relations and the Anne Evans Estabrook Professor of Conflict Resolution.

Part of the school for 65 years, Lipsky arrived at ILR in 1958 as a sophomore transfer from Lehigh University.
His conversation with Dean Alex Colvin ’99 was recorded in honor of the school’s 75th anniversary. In a 70th anniversary panel discussion, he and three other deans discussed the school’s history.
Professor Lipsky, winner of a Weiss Fellowship for undergraduate teaching, taught his last class in December 2018.
We invite you to share your memories of Professor Lipsky below.
Share my memory
Throughout my time at ILR, Professor Lipsky has always made time to meet with me 1-on-1, even though I was not his research student, nor did I have anything to offer. It was only years later, did I realize how generous he was with his time, and how his compassion and kindness has helped shaped the person I am today. In a increasing transactional world like ours, we should all strive to be more like David Lipsky. He has given so much, not just to Cornell, but also to many of us personally. Thank you Professor.
I was lucky enough to give guest lectures on library resources for several of Professor Lipsky's classes, and he was absolutely amazing to work with: so engaged and supportive of both his students and Catherwood Library. One of my first opportunities came at a time when I was rethinking my role as an instructor, and Dave's open and generous feedback encouraged me to stick with it. Dave was a vital part of the ILR community, and he fundamentally shaped this school in so many wonderful ways. He is deeply missed, and his memory is a blessing.
Dave Lipsky is a singular figure in the history of the ILR School. Dave was affiliated with the school as a student, faculty member, or dean over roughly 80% of the time since the school's founding in 1945. His contributions are inestimable and they range far and wide. I was fortunate to see many of these up close -- and to benefit from them -- when I succeeded him as Dean in 1997. On a personal level, he was a friend from the beginning of our association, always gracious, supportive, and helpful. I will always remember his wit, his smile, his insights, and his incredible memory! Especially memorable for me are the many conversations we had in the Statler Lounge over a glass of wine, over a 20 year period. I will sorely miss these regular contacts.
Was a ally and upstander during my 32 years mostly as a adjunct at Cornell ILR, NYC. In the late 90's when I was full time he embraced a leave of absence for me to do work germane to our mission at ILR. It was a impactful labor-management project in Arkansas which was 25 years ago and still has a major impact on my leadership trajectory and body of work. Through this 6 month immersion, I learned the true meaning of servant leadership. He and his soul mate Sandy were always kind to my wife Evelyne and I. I will forever be grateful to David for his generosity and kind soul.
Prof. Lipsky was a visionary leader and Dean for ILO School. I had a privilege to join 30 or so alumni for Cornell in Cambridge program led by Dean Lipsky in the summer of 1992 when EU was just being formed. I fondly remember his vision and insights for labor relations in the new EU landscape. He gave me a great career advice then while I was just starting at ILO in Geneva, which I am so grateful.
My heart goes out to his family and friends.
Dave was an incredible Dean of ILR and his enthusiasm for Cornell and ILR was infectious. My husband, Larry Kahn, and I had the honor of being recruited to the ILR faculty by Dave. It was exciting for me to come back to the ILR School where I was an undergrad and seeing it through Dave's eyes heightened my enthusiasm. He ended our last recruiting discussion simply by saying this is where you belong and we both knew that he was right, we did. It is incredibly hard to picture ILR and Cornell without Dave and his wonderful wife Sandy.
Professor Lipsky gave me the confidence that I belonged at Cornell and I could do great things. He will be missed. Thank you to him and his family.
Sorry to hear that Professor Lipsky left us recently --- He was the Dean of the ILR School when I was a student there. Super bright and friendly man...
First time I met him, I was in the lobby of his office.
He walked up to me, smiled, and asked me my name and how he could help.
He never forgot my name after that, which I still think is wild, given the thousands of students there.
And he always had a smile and a "Hey Jer, how's it going?" for me when we saw each other in the halls.
Special person. He'll be missed.
Thank you sir, for all that you did. -Jer
I envy those of you who were students and close colleagues of David Lipsky. As a fellow academic who taught at another school I spent less time with him than many of you, but I still learned a tremendous amount from his writing and his talks that I was able to hear. I was inspired not only by his intelligence and insights but also by his very obvious caring for people of this world. I invariably felt uplifted by his optimism, his good spirit, and his positive energy.
Dean Lipsky was my master's supervisor when I was an MILR student, from 2010-2012. We met in his office frequently, at first to discuss my rather unorthodox course selections; I'm the only MILR I know to have taken Aesthetics in the philosophy department and International Relations Theory in the government department. He loved the idea! Our discussions gradually moved toward more personal matters, such as how Ives Hall has changed over the decades, and everything from music ("I don't know anything after the Beatles") to literature (he recommended me Somerset Maugham's Of Human Bondage) to food (as a Pennsylvania native, he loved a good summer salami) to coffee (I'd get him a Starbucks whenever he wanted).
My major research paper, on shrinking pie negotiations in hostile collective bargaining, wouldn't have been possible without his guidance. He recommended books and articles, he ensured the department would pay for any source I needed (which I used very judiciously), and he read a solid 3-4 drafts before the final product was ready. Patient as ever, he even agreed to read completely unrelated problems I drafted or paradoxes I encountered, simply out of our shared love of game theory.
He only taught me one course, the Dispute Resolution Practicum, but what a course it was. I shadowed a mediator during bargaining in extremely rural Upstate New York, which exposed me to the wide world of five-person highway maintenance unions. I also shadowed two arbitrators in New York City, including Marty Scheinman of the institute that bears his name. None of those opportunities, and none of those connections, would have been possible without Dean Lipsky.
I kept in contact with him after graduation. Although I never finished Of Human Bondage (I got 300 pages into it, and in my defense, I was in my first year of law school at the time), I read The Moon and Sixpence in 2019. On a lark, I reached out to Dean Lipsky, linking him to my book review, to let him know I'd finished at least something by Maugham. He replied, happy to hear I'd read it and about how I was doing, and to tell me about his retirement.
Dean Lipsky was one of the most formative figures in my decade of postsecondary education, but even more importantly, he was synonymous with ILR, with community, and with taking the time to talk about whatever there was to talk about.
I took three classes with Dave. But my favorite memory is as a guest speaker in his arbitration class. I spoke about the role that arbitrators play, what their backgrounds tend to be, and how they are selected. Dave said I did not mention what they are paid. I mentioned typical amounts. Dave then said- so if an arbitrator worked every day of the year, multiplying this amount by days that would be about $XXXXXXX. I responded- now Dave, I applied to the ILR School so I would not have to do math, I'm sure as hell not doing it as a guest speaker. I got a good laugh from Dave and the class. Rich Edelman
I took three classes with Dave. But my favorite memory is as a guest speaker in his arbitration class. I spoke about the role that arbitrators play, what their backgrounds tend to be, and how they are selected. Dave said I did not mention what they are paid. I mentioned typical amounts. Dave then said- so if an arbitrator worked every day of the year, multiplying this amount by days that would be about $XXXXXXX. I responded- now Dave, I applied to the ILR School so I would not have to do math, I'm sure as hell not doing it as a guest speaker. I got a good laugh from Dave and the class. Rich Edelman
I will always remember Dean Lipsky for being approachable, fully present and genuinely excited to engage with students. He made a huge impression on me, when he invited me to join a European Alumni weekend. I was only an undergraduate and happened to be in Brussels doing research for Professor Turner. Dean Lipsky asked me to sit at his table for dinner and introduced me to many alumni that weekend. I will never forget his kindness, generosity and eagerness to include me because I was ILR family.
Dean Lipsky was always a warm, friendly, welcoming presence at the ILR School. Dean Lipsky was also a Fraternity brother of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, NY Alpha Chapter at Cornell. As an undergraduate that was the coolest! My Dean was my Brother. SAE has a motto called The True Gentlemen. David Lipsky embodied the definition of a True Gentleman and so much more. I have not had contact with Dean Lipsky since graduation, but I was and am truly saddened at his passing. My deepest condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues.
Having served as assistant dean with David for many years, I was the beneficiary of his wisdom, kindness, guidance, and friendship. David was admired by all, not just for his outstanding intellect, but also for his warmth and sense of humor.
Of the many, many memories I have of serving with David, some of the best involved our opportunity to sponsor new legislation in Washington DC that created the National Center for the Workplace.
During that endeavor, David and I met with many members of Congress and important alumni. David always created a new friendship with each new encounter.
A trivia maven par excellence, several times David would engage in friendly competition over baseball trivia with a couple of congresspeople at a diner meeting and he always won, but carefully, not by too much!
So much remains unsaid. I am grateful beyond words for knowing and working with David. Truly a man for all seasons.
David and I were dean colleagues at Cornell. He was smart, fun, relaxed and willing to collaborate and think together. Russell O.
David Lipsky was a terrific professor, friend, mentor
and role model. I was fortunate to have been a student
in his undergraduate classes and during my master's
degree program and to enjoy his friendship as
an alumna. I remember having lovely dinners
with David and Sandy at the Antlers and lunch
with David at the Statler and David’s enthusiastic
support when I discussed the usefulness of
conflict resolution skills and modalities
for workplace sexual harassment investigations
and matters and my interest in writing an article.
David was very supportive of my efforts as an
undergraduate founding and building the
ILR Women's Caucus and advocating for women
and work courses in the Labor Relations, Law and
History Department and the other departments at
the ILR School and the hiring of women on the faculty.
My son, Jeffrey Radin'19 took his upper level
negotiations class with graduate and law students.
Professor Lipsky proudly shared that Jeffrey was
one of his best students and received a top grade
for the course.
David epitomized the uniqueness and special nature
of the ILR School teaching and mentoring my son
and I in the best practices of the field.
Leona L. Barsky, Esq.’80 M.S.’81 P’16
and P’19
Professor Lipsky made learning engaging, enriching and entertaining. He taught my favorite class, Collective Bargaining. I remember being on a team for mock bargaining that came up with a profit sharing plan as part of the settlement. And when he was briefing the class on the various team’s and their approaches to reaching agreement, he called this plan out because he’d never seen anything like. So he asked us what the inspiration for it was. I raised my hand as it was actually the product of my untrained mind. So I said “I woke up in a cold sweat at night and ran to the piano to write it down” and he looked at me for a moment, and then roared with laughter. He then proceeded to explain how it was completely unworkable, but in a way that was so diplomatic that none of us on the team felt chastened, but instead educated. Wonderful teacher and human-being!
He had a sense of humor!
Our family has the rare honor of by myself and my son, Gabe, having taken collective bargaining from David Lipsky. What stands out for me from the class was what happened when David made the bargaining simulation very realistic. A local company, Crouse-Hinds was entering collective bargaining at the same time and David arranged for us to have the actual past agreements and current public financials for the company. I was part of the union team and we took the information and negotiated what turns out to have been a good deal. How did we know? Well somehow the actual union got a hold of our agreement and apparently presented it at the actual bargaining table. Suddenly it was too realistic. I don't think David did it that way again.
Dave was my roommate for my sophomore year. Probably more than any other fellow student, he shared wise counsel on charting a sane path
through the often confusing academic path to graduation.
Dave had a capacity that now looks almost like a prototype personal computer. He could draft papers, in legible cursive, with only a few corrections, that read like final copy. I could never duplicate his process, without at least going through a half dozen drafts.
Dave helped make my time at Cornell a well-remembered rite or passage.
Very few individuals are able to make a mark in the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of people. David B Lipsky was one such mentor, colleague, academic, friend, father figure, guide, family away from home and much more to me, and many who he touched at Cornell University ILR School. His ability to engage and gain respect, growth mindset, leadership style (inclusive and fair with strong measures of warmth, brilliance, and curiousity thrown in), and above all impact on the lives he touched is hard to put in a few words. Personally to me, he was someone who genuinely cared and invested in my success, beyond all odds (we often talked about how he reminded me of my grandfather!). While this loss is hard to even process, I want to take a moment to celebrate his life. The legacy and teachings he has left behind will always remain as the North Star for so many of us! ❤️🙏 #cornelluniversity #ilrschool # #leadership #brilliantacademic #respect #impact
David Lipsky was a critical mentor and advisor during my first few years leading eCornell. He often would join me in discussions with skeptical faculty. He helped guide my team and me on how to demonstrate strategic patience without losing sight of the big picture. He was sympathetic during the tough days and always happy to be an evangelist when needed. And his gentle and calming presence was always much appreciated.
My heart is heavy upon learning of the passing of one of my beloved professors David B Lipsky. Professor Lipsky and I were very close during my time on The Hill. In fact, he would often invite me to join him at Banfi's when he had visitors from the labor movement come to Ithaca. My very first job out of law school was due to his influence and referral. He used to joke and tell people that I could teach his Conflict Resolution class. While we fell out of touch, I would always seek him out at ILR functions like our GROAT awards. He is one of the reasons I am so active in the Cornell community. He made a high school dropout feel like she belonged in the Ivy League. And, I will always love him for that.
Rest well, David.
I remember him speaking to us undergrads as if we were Masters, and, when I was in grad school, us Masters as if we were PhDs. Zero pretention from a decorated and longstanding Ivy League professor, as if it were at a local community college. Showed active and genuine interest and concern for his students. Engaging and entertaining lectures, a story-teller and orator that made droll and dry textbook material spring to life; I'm not going to lie, there were a few other courses I rarely attended during those warm and exciting final months of senior year when school melts away and the rest of your life feels inches away, but I'd never miss a Prof. Lipsky lecture.
A true teacher of students. Heads bowed, hats off.
David Lipsky was a genuine mensch: Smart, kind, ethical, generous. He made the ILR School a more humane place. I met him when he was a new professor and ran into him over the decades as I returned for a doctorate and then as a visiting fellow. He always had time to talk, weigh options, share his expertise. We've lost a good man.
I found Dave a pleasure to work with during the dozen years I worked in marketing communications at Cornell, open, cooperative, unassuming and a fount of information. About a year ago I became aware that he had a kind of doppelgänger, a Jewish Asian-American PGA golf pro named David Lipsky whom I started following. That David just finished near the top of the leaderboard in Hawaii last weekend. I never inquired but did wonder if our David knew of him.
The men and women of our MILR cohort group had a major crush on Professor Lipsky in the 80's. We were attracted to his deep knowledge of the field, his rye wit and his compelling ability to negotiate any position. He would start every class by removing his jacket, rolling up his sleeves, putting one foot on the corner of the desk and working the room with a provocative question about the world of labor relations. We hung on his every word. What an honor it was to learn from the best. Thank you, Prof.
I am so saddened by this loss. I worked with Sandy Lipsky for three decades in the Cornell Library, first in the Department of Manuscripts and University Archives and then in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections. I knew David Lipsky throughout this period, but our relationship grew closer when, during my youngest son Michael's last years in high school, Dave invited us to join him and a small group of ILR colleagues and their families in attending Buffalo Bills home games. We would each drive to Buffalo, meeting before the game and sitting together cheering the Bills. No matter what the score or the weather, Dave, Michael, and I never left before the end. These trips are among our favorite memories.
Professor Lipsky inspired me in more ways than I can count. He taught me the love of labor relations and collective bargaining. He taught me how to negotiate - and the theories behind negotiation. He was both pragmatic and academic. And, he was the only Professor who understood my Pennsylvania Dutch English. He knew what "Say Now" really meant. While he will be greatly missed, it gives me much solace to know that he is now with his beloved Sandy, who was always by his side.
Serving as Associate Dean for Dave was a lesson in leadership. He was a visionary who transformed alumni engagement, our Master's program in New York City, the building we inhabit in Ithaca, and curricular review. He faced the crushing burdens of significantly reduced state funding and the need for staff cuts with courage and realism, but successfully undertook the challenges of fund-raising from alumni and friends of the School. I marveled at his optimism and aspirations, as he aimed for ambitious goals that only those who are able to "think big" can set. He attained the goals he set for his deanship and transformed the School.
Back in the late '80s I was the President of the Graduate Student Association at the ILR School. Dave Lipskey was the Dean, so we regularly met to address students' concerns. He was equal parts pragmatic and empathetic, which made him great to work with. Dave Lipskey was a great scholar in our field as well as an excellent professor, but not enough can be said about his leadership and plain decency.
Professor Lipsky's Collective Bargaining class was masterfully taught and provides lessons I still call upon today when negotiating. I had the pleasure of doing some independent research for him my senior year and he was always available, insightful and motivational. Professor Lipsky was synonomous with the ILR School and he will be greatly missed. Peace to his family and friends.
I remember Prof. Lipsky fondly as one of the most friendly, approachable and thoughtful faculty members at ILR. A good teacher... and really good man!
I will let others talk about what an excellent professor and decent human being Dave was for indeed he was. I will tell you that one of my fondest memories of Dave was engaging in movie trivia with him. He was a master at it! Being in Dave's classes way back when was "the beginning of a beautiful friendship." May he RIP.
Professor Lipsky was my favorite. I continue to benefit from the lessons I learned from his collective bargaining class. I remember meeting with him during his office hours. He was so approachable and generous with his time. He always seemed to have a smile on his face. He has had a lasting impact on me. I only have fond memories. He will be missed.
Professor Lipsky epitomized what it means to be a "Scholar." Never too busy to give students and alumni his undivided, enthusiastic attention. The undisputed giant in his areas of expertise.
I'm very saddened by this news, but find comfort knowing that he is with his wife Sandy, of whom he spoke so highly with unyielding loyalty.
David Lipski was my favorite professor. I continue to benefit from the lessons I learned from his collective bargaining course. I remember meeting with him during his office hours. He was so approachable and generous with his time. He always seemed to have a smile on his face. He has had a lasting impact on me. I only have fond memories. He will be missed.
Professor Lipsky was a kind, thoughtful and generous mentor. My several classes with him were the finest I had at ILR. He was also my advisor for an internship in the NYC OCB, and he helped guide my career going forward by example and inspiration and with advice.
A true mensch.
This is so difficult. I met Dave in January 1969, his first semester on the ILR facult. He was teaching the required course in American Labor History. I later took Collective Bargaining with him as well and he supervised an independent research project I did in my senior year on the impact of structural changes in the economy on labor union membership. He was instrumental in my getting a graduate fellowship that enabled me to follow his path and get a Ph.D. in economics at MIT.
All of this led to a close friendship for over fifty years with both Dave and Sandy. I came down to Ithaca to have lunch with him as often as I could and we met up for dinners in Ithaca, in Syracuse and in between as well as at LERA meetings. No one was a more important influence on my professional life (I became an academic and taught labor history and collective bargaining among other things). He was always there to provide friendship and sage advice and simply to discuss politics and the issues of the day. He liked to introduce me to his graduate students some of whom came up to Syracuse to give guest lectures in my classes.
On one occasion I complained to him that a book I was using as a supplementary text was getting out of date. He suggested we work on putting together a group of academic experts to produce an updated one. Because it was Dave, we were able to get many of the leading specialists in the country and we produced a successful volume of readings. He anticipated the bumps along the way with such a project and met them all effectively and with grace and humor, as he did with everything he undertook professionally.
I'll miss his smile and his friendship.
I will always treasure the memory of Professor Lipsky's eagerness & willingness to go out of his way to help students. The two courses I took with him were terrific. I remember him taking myself and David Cohen to a public sector third party case he was involved in and he made the time to fully explain the process and the players to us--something he did because he deeply cared that we learned about industrial relations `up front'. He served as a role model to me of what an academic could & should be and certainly influenced my own career as an academic. Professor Lipsky's smile lit up the classroom...he will be missed!
What a smile! Disarming. Made you forget you were talking to the Dean. Which was the point. We were blessed to have Dean Lipsky and Dean McPherson. I can see them sharing a laugh.
I first met Professor Lipsky as an admitted student, on a snowy April afternoon during Cornell Days. Trudging up the stairs to his office in the extension building, I harbored more than a few doubts about whether I truly belonged at Cornell. But they vanished instantly upon meeting this warm, welcoming, gregarious soul. Here was a retail kid, just like me, who took this extraordinary education and exceeded his family’s wildest dreams.
I came to learn that he didn’t just find a community at ILR when he arrived on campus in 1958, but created it, for literally thousands of people. He defined and embodied the best of the ILR School in so many ways: openness, respect, commitment to the world beyond Cornell, good cheer. He led with a conviction that conflict doesn’t have to be destructive, but can instead strengthen relationships and broaden horizons. Studying negotiation with him was transformative, and he was the best senior thesis advisor I could have asked for. I also cherish the encouragement and advice he gave long after I graduated, including and especially through the Masters in Conflict Resolution I pursued because of him.
In this sad moment, I am comforted by knowing that he is with Sandy again, and his love will always endure, for her and for our school.
I believe Prof Lipsky's first year on the ILR faculty coincided with my freshman year at Cornell --and he taught one of the freshman classes all of us were required to take. I recall that he was super energetic, super enthusiastic, and super prepared. I enjoyed the class so much that I then took several elective classes that Prof. Lipsky taught.
Each of us has a treasure chest filled with memories of our time on campus. Those moments, experiences and people that defined our time — that made us love Cornell and ILR. David Lipsky was one of those special people who has always been part of mine.
Professor Lipsky had the broadest view of what teaching was all about. He knew that he wasn’t simply transmitting subject matter, or manufacturing graduates, or launching practitioners — he was developing people. He was molding, mentoring, coaching and helping young people come into their own. His listening skills were as strong as his ability to lecture, and his academic brilliance was rivaled by his kindness. David’s counsel and guidance — made so many of my good times possible and softened the blow of my more-than-occasional stumbles.
He was so much more than any of the remarkable titles he held.
So how do you pay tribute to someone who had such an impact? Perhaps, we just do this: Listen a little more. Give someone a reassuring smile. Teach someone something. Ignite or foster someone’s true passion. Reassure someone. Take a genuine interest in helping someone grow. Give back.
And with that, David Lipsky’s legacy will be firmly ensured.
Talking baseball in the office with Professor Lipsky
Professor Lipsky was a true scholar, beloved storyteller, and a great mentor and friend. Having been his teaching assistant for two full years, I got to spend many, many hours with David Lipsky. His engaging style and sharp wit included you in every conversation you had with him. Above all else, Professor Lipsky made people around him, myself especially, feel important. Some of our talks went on for hours, but I would always find myself soaking up knowledge and never wanting to be anywhere else.
His application of textbook and academic research to real-world examples was another unmatched virtue of his. He could quote any scholar of labor relations or dispute resolution and gin up a great summary of their work and how it applied to workplaces.
ILR lost a great one.
When I first arrived in Ithaca from India to join the MILR program early January of 2005, Prof.Lipsky was one of the first people that I met in Ives Hall and had a great conversation. He gave me some very good advice about the program and told me not to get tempted to get a car as it is difficult to drive in the snow. I found Dr.Lipsky to be very thoughtful and caring for the school of ILR, students and his colleagues. May his soul rest in peace.
I had the opportunity to work with Professor Lipsky on his research with the Scheinman Institute. He was such a bright man and never made me feel less than (even though his knowledge FAR extended my own!). I admired how he brought humor and an overall sense of joy to his work. He was a pleasure to work with and learn form.
Professor Lipsky was my advisor during my undergrad years at I&LR. He was an attentive, warm, and trusted advisor. The fabulous education I received at Cornell was due in large part to his guidance.
Years later, when we reconnected from time to time we had great conversations. I felt he remembered me, even though I was one from among thousands of students over the years.
His passing is truly a loss to those who have had the privilege of engaging with him.
Professor Lipsky was my favorite. He always had a way of humanizing oftentimes dry subjects. His classes were a highlight of my week. Prayers out to him and his family.
Whenever Dean Lipsky said hello to you, he always said it with a warm smile. It is true that people may not remember what you said to them. But, they will always remember how you made them feel. He made me feel welcomed.
What a loss. We were all privileged to know Professor Lipsky. He was an outstanding educator who made a huge impact on the world of work, and to an entire generation of students, with warmth, generosity of spirit and good humor.
I remember taking his course in negotiation, which he made so engaging and participatory. He broke the class up into groups and we were given scenarios like the "Prisoner's Dillemma." It really taught us how people we think we know can behave in different circumstances. Professor Lipsky made learning fun and the lessons he taught me have lasted a lifetime. I will miss him a great deal.
I had the privilege of taking Professor Lipsky's "Negotiations: Theory and Practice" class my senior year. What a leader. He fostered a close learning environment that was open to the intellectually curious. My heart hurts learning of his passing but his teachings will always live on. My condolences to his family. The Cornell community has lost one of its greats.
Best professor I had at the ILR School. I valued his warm personality, great knowledge, and ability to teach. I wish he'd been the dean while I was a student.
I had Professor Lipsky for collective bargaining the first year he taught at ILR (1969?). Down to earth, conversational way of teaching, committed to the subject matter and a great sense of humor. Great mix of qualities for a wonderful professor and a classy human being. I am saddened today