Colvin and Fincher Named LERA Fellows
ILR Dean Alexander Colvin and Scheinman Institute Advisory Board Member Richard Fincher were named Fellows of the Labor Employment Relations Association (LERA).
The Fellow designation recognizes both scholars and practitioners who have made contributions of unusual distinction to the field and have been in the profession and field for longer than 10 years.
Colvin was named an Academic Fellow and Fincher a Practitioner Fellow.
LERA is the singular organization in the United States where professionals interested in all aspects of labor and employment relations network to share ideas and learn about new developments, issues, and practices in the field. Founded in 1947 as the Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA), the National LERA provides a unique forum where the views of representatives of labor, management, government and academics, advocates and neutrals are welcome.
Today, LERA constituencies include professionals in the areas of academic research and education, compensation and benefits, human resources, labor and employment law, labor and management resources, labor markets and economics, public policy, training and development, and union administration and organizing.