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Examining How Arbitrators Are Using AI

The Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution was asked by the National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) to conduct a survey of its members on the use of Generative AI.
AI symbol
Examining How Arbitrators Are Using AI

How Seller Attachment Shapes Seller-Buyer Interactions Including Home Sales

ILR Assistant Professor Alice Lee investigates if a seller attachment shapes which buyers “get to the table” and whom they ultimately sell to?
How Seller Attachment Shapes Seller-Buyer Interactions Including Home Sales

The Research of Ariel Avgar: Understanding The Critical Relationship Between Labor Relations and Healthcare Outcomes

Professor Ariel Avgar is conducting impactful research regarding labor and employment relations in the healthcare field.
Ariel Avgar
The Research of Ariel Avgar: Understanding The Critical Relationship Between Labor Relations and Healthcare Outcomes

Congress Was Wrong: Arbitration Is More Plaintiff-Friendly Than Litigation, and We Can Make It Even More Just

In their new research paper, published in the American Bar Association Journal of Labor and Employment Law, Harry C. Katz, David Sherwyn, and Paul Wagner, demonstrate that the employees in civil rights cases enjoy significantly greater results in arbitration than in litigation.
Katz ABA research
Congress Was Wrong: Arbitration Is More Plaintiff-Friendly Than Litigation, and We Can Make It Even More Just

How Disclosing Salary Ranges Affects Job Applications and Negotiation Decisions

Alice Lee outlines her research on how recent pay transparency policies affect job application and negotiation decisions.
Woman negotiating with others
How Disclosing Salary Ranges Affects Job Applications and Negotiation Decisions

Analyzing Employee Organizing in Social Change Non-Profits

Brendan Klein explores collective bargaining in non-profit organizations and how this differs from the for-profit and public sectors.
Two women talking at a table
Analyzing Employee Organizing in Social Change Non-Profits

The Changing Face of Public Agencies in Workplace Conflict Resolution: A Six-Country Study

Faculty from the ILR Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution spearheaded a landmark six-country study, which examined how public agencies involved in resolving workplace conflict resolution operate and how their roles have evolved.
The Changing Face of Public Agencies in Workplace Conflict Resolution: A Six-Country Study

The Role of Politeness in Negotiations

Assistant Professor Alice Lee explores the role politeness in negotiations.
Portrait of Assistant Professor Alice Lee
The Role of Politeness in Negotiations

Scheinman Institute Survey Finds Lack of Diversity in Arbitration Profession

The Scheinman Institute and the National Academy of Arbitrators released the results of a major survey that indicates, among other things, a lack of diversity in the arbitration profession.
Two faceless individuals in suits shake hands.
Scheinman Institute Survey Finds Lack of Diversity in Arbitration Profession

Strikes up 52% in 2022: Labor Action Tracker

The ILR School database that documents U.S. work stoppages informs journalists, policymakers, activists, scholars and the public about labor activism and unrest.
Labor action tracker map
Strikes up 52% in 2022: Labor Action Tracker

New International and Comparative Labor and Employment Challenges: Dean Colvin and Director Katz Share Insights

Dean Colvin and Director Katz participate in LERA international discussion on employment relations issues.
Worker wearing hard hat
New International and Comparative Labor and Employment Challenges: Dean Colvin and Director Katz Share Insights

Conducting Investigations while Social Distancing

Scheinman Institute experts outline practical considerations for conducting investigations while social distancing.
a desk with a laptop to illustrate the idea of working remotely
Conducting Investigations while Social Distancing