Honoring Marty Scheinman With New Student Support Gift Fund
A Special Message from Institute Director Harry C. Katz
Dear Scheinman Institute Community,
Please join me in contributing to a newly established student support gift fund at the ILR Scheinman Institute honoring Marty Scheinman’s immense contributions to the world of work on the occasion of Marty’s 70th birthday.
Marty has passionately and generously committed himself to the goal of creating the next generation of neutrals. And in so many ways, Marty has touched us. We need your help to accomplish Marty’s dream by supporting the Scheinman Institute and its commitment to labor, management, and neutrals working together in concert. This would include providing resources for students on the Cornell campus engaged in internships, study projects, and other learning experiences, as well as enabling the Institute to engage in other programs and initiatives working towards that goal.
Funds also will be used to provide fellowship support to diverse professional students entering our newly launched third cohort labor arbitrator development program. Through this program we are striving to create a demographically diverse pool of well-trained neutrals who are representative of, and through their life experiences understanding of, those whose workplace conflicts are being resolved through arbitration and mediation.
We actually had to convince Marty to let us raise money in his honor. You can make a contribution to the Martin F. Scheinman ’75, MS ’76 student support fund using the link below. If you decide to give, adding in “70” somehow with your gift would be great (e.g., $570).
Thank you so much for considering a gift in honor of Marty! Make your gift here.
Harry C. Katz
Jack Sheinkman Professor and Director, Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution