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Harry Katz

Director’s Update

Harry C. Katz

Harry C. Katz is the Director of the Scheinman Institute and the Jack Sheinkman Professor of Collective Bargaining.

Cornell’s campus spring semester is going strong with courses offered through an array of delivery means – in-person, virtual, and mixed mode. We at the Scheinman Institute are proud to be contributing a number of courses including Ariel Avgar’s master level conflict management class and Duan-yi Yang’s teaching of core undergraduate labor relations.

Ellen Procida is once again teaching a seven-week arbitration advocacy course and Marty is demonstrating his mastery of zoom by teaching his famous four-night arbitration practitioner course on-line.

Thanks to generous donor support the Institute just began a search to fill a post-doctoral fellowship for the 2021-22 academic year on campus. The fellow would offer one course per semester and engage in various Institute activities. Learn more about the fellowship.

Meanwhile, the Institute is offering many non-credit professional development workshops, both open and custom, on-line.  At the same time, hopeful that in-person gatherings will be possible we have begun to prepare our fall workshop calendar with a mixture of in-person and virtual offerings. Even if in-person opportunities become available in the fall we’ll continue to offer virtual workshops as we’ve learned that those can reach a wide audience that might not be able to attend in-person even in the best of times.

This newsletter has been a key means through which we stay in touch with you and others in our field. We couldn’t produce it without the contributions of two student co-editors. Melissa Lau and Edgar O’Connell recently took over from David Tse and Scarlett Karfusi as student editors. I thank them all for their help.