Scheinman Institute Program Director Spotlight: Susan W. Brecher
Name: Susan W. Brecher, Esq.
Current position at Scheinman/ILR: Director Employment Law, Employee Relations and Internal Investigations Programs
Education: B.A. Union College, J.D. from Case Western Reserve University
Areas of expertise and types of courses: Employment Law, Employee Relations, Internal Investigations, Collaborative Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution
Career highlights at Scheinman/ILR:
Writing eCornell asynchronous certificates in Employment Law and Employee Relations/Internal Investigations, developing all of the professional development programs for a live virtual format and constantly having opportunities to learn and develop new areas of expertise.
Please discuss one of your most interesting clients, the services provided and the impact it made:
The employee relations leadership at one of the largest global computer technology providers sought to proactively respond to employee relations issues and internal investigations in a way that was fair and accounted for the differences in customs, cultures, local policies and laws throughout the world.
I trained employee relations and internal investigations in North America, Europe and Asia. The program was designed to provide a series of frameworks and tools that colleagues throughout the organization could use to communicate and collaborate, and to begin working through the delicate balance between business, global and local employee relations approaches.
A memorable experience working with students:
Providing many students and interns a perspective on applying what they are learning at ILR to the workplace and ways of achieving respect and dignity in the workplace.
Advice you would give to students in the conflict resolution field:
Develop individual skills and tools that can be applied in all areas of problem solving and conflict/dispute resolution such as defining issues, managing biases, developing options, gaining commitment and listening.