Discover How Three Women Rose to Leadership Positions at the NLRB
On November 3, in a webinar moderated by Cornell Vice President and General Counsel Donica Thomas Varner, you’ll discover how three women rose to leadership positions at the NLRB — the independent federal agency tasked with safeguarding U.S. employees' rights as well as preventing and remedying unfair labor practices. NLRB Chairman Lauren McFerran, General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, and Board Member Gwynne Wilcox (formerly a member of the Scheinman Advisory Board) will discuss the paths to their current roles and how each was motivated to pursue a career in labor relations. Following the discussion, Alexander Colvin, the Kenneth F. Kahn '69 Dean and Martin F. Scheinman Professor of Conflict Resolution at Cornell’s ILR School, will lead a question-and-answer session with the participants.
Register for the event and learn more here.