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What’s the value of HR Studies courses?

As with other ILR courses, they provide hands-on experience through cases and projects, as well as opportunities to learn from instructors who are well-versed in both theory and practice.  Recruiters and employers in business as well as other professions look for the types of skills that HR courses provide, including:

  • Business knowledge
  • Strategic thinking
  • Analytical skills

What courses can I take?

It all starts in the sophomore year with ILHR2600, the Human Resource Management principles course offered every semester.

After that, consider taking additional courses that provide more in-depth explorations of specific disciplines and topics. Here are some of the possibilities:

  • ILRHR3650  Organizational Consulting
  • ILRHR3670  Training and Development
  • ILRHR4600  International Human Resource Management
  • ILRHR4610  Working in the New Economy
  • ILRHR4620  Staffing Organizations
  • ILRHR4640  Business Strategy
  • ILRHR4631  Compensation
  • ILRHR4632  Finance for Human Resources
  • ILRHR4670  Leadership Development

Learn More About the Program:

How do I Learn More?

Contact us to schedule a meeting with Undergraduate Admissions staff or order printed material.