Our faculty teach the full range of HR topics to students at all levels (undergraduate, masters, doctoral, and professional/executive) and deliver custom training programs for leading organizations. Through our centers and institutes, we reach thousands of HR practitioners through working groups, conference events, and external education.
Our alumni and executive partners – including dozens of current or former chief human resource officers at global companies – enrich learning through guest lectures, live-case projects, and networking events.
Graduate, Research, and Professional HR
We offer teaching, research, and training programs to the full range of the HR profession, from undergraduates to PhDs and HR professionals.

Centers and Institutes
The Cornell Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) is the world’s leading partnership between industry and academia, representing more than 55 of the world’s premier companies.
The Institute for Compensation Studies™ (ICS) is an interdisciplinary center that researches, teaches and communicates about monetary and non-monetary rewards from work, and how these rewards influence outcomes for individuals, companies, industries, and economies.
Contact us
173 Ives Faculty Bldg.
Cornell University
ILR School
Ithaca, NY 14853-3901
Ph: (607) 255-5427
Email Jean Miller, Department Administrative Assistant