Ellice Switzer
Ellice Switzer, MA, joined the Yang-Tan Institute in 2012. As a Senior Extension Associate and Program Director, Inclusive Workplaces, she provides national technical assistance and training on topics related to disability and employment, and US disability policy. Her areas of focus include employer practices to support workforce disability inclusion, demand-side strategies to improve employer engagement among disability service providers, and evidence-based practices to support post-school success for youth with disabilities.
Her work has included various local, state, and national initiatives to support and promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including the National Employer Technical Assistance Center, the Employer Practices Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, the Diversity Partners Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project, the New York State Transition Services Professional Development Support Center, and the New York State Rehabilitation Council.
MA 2015 - State University of New York Empire State College, Social and Public Policy
Certificate of Advanced Study 2013 - State University of New York Empire State College, Non-Profit Management
203C Dolgen Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States