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RegisterNegotiation can be an important tool for rational, problem-solving, where each side is encouraged to “separate the people from the problem.” But what if the people are the problem? This course teaches the key strategic and tactical process and behavioral choices that separate rational problem solving and rational competitive bargaining from negotiating with the irrational, violent and narcissistic in the workplace.
Drawing on the techniques used by hostage negotiators, suicide and crises interveners and international peace-makers, this interactive course gives participants many opportunities to practice the behavioral and communication techniques necessary to deal with:
- Hardball competitive tactics
- Manipulating ego maniacs and narcissists
- Tribal politics and the “us/other” mindset
- Liars and manipulators
- Extreme emotional and crisis situations
Key emphasis is placed on how these techniques can be used in dealing with difficult people in everyday work life as well as in formal negotiations. This course is a part of the Advanced Collective Bargaining Certificate.
Key outcomes
- Understand the behavioral choices that drive effective negotiation in challenging scenarios.
- Acquire strategies to manage negotiations with individuals who have inflated egos or narcissistic traits.
- Develop skills to manage negotiations during high-stress and crisis situations.
- Master how to deal with lying and other manipulative tactics
Who should enroll
- Labor relations, human resource, operations, and finance professionals who represent or support management in collective bargaining and negotiations.
Supervisor Justification Letter
Download and complete this justification letter to make a case for funding your professional development with Cornell.